July 1 – World Service Fund (General Board of Higher Education and Ministry)

Moment for Mission

"For you know the generous act of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich." — 2 Corinthians 8:9, NRSV

Methodists exploring ordained ministry in Brazil now can have an experience similar to Exploration events held for young adults in the United States.

Thanks to United Methodist support of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry through the World Service Fund, the Regional Hub for Leadership, Education and Development in Brazil is offering such an opportunity.

The Methodist School of Theology in São Paulo and the board's Hispanic/Latino(a) ministries program invites Methodist candidates for ordained ministry to spend a weekend reflecting on their call through listening, discerning and responding. The next such event is slated for September 2018.

"A top priority," said the Rev. Paulo Roberto Garcia, executive director of the Brazil hub, "will be to increase connections among Higher Education and Ministry and a network of educational organizations in Brazil that work with more than 30,000 children, youth and young adults." Included in the network are research and teaching universities, high schools and theological institutions.

The goals are to improve leadership in the Methodist Church in Brazil and strengthen relationships between organizations in the Portuguese- and Spanish-speaking areas of Latin America.

Higher Education and Ministry strives to build capacity for lay and clergy leaders to discover, claim and flourish in Christ's calling in their lives.
When your congregation pays the World Service Fund apportionment, you nurture leadership for the denomination. Thank you!

Offertory Prayer
Loving God, you invite men and women all around your beautiful world to serve in ordained and lay ministries. Help us to listen—and respond—to your call. Show us how to encourage others to share their God-given talents through their prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness. Amen.

From Discipleship Resources: Sixth Sunday after Pentecost/in Kingdomtide — God of power and might, you bring forth life in the midst of death, healing in the midst of disease, and hope in the darkest places of our despair. You reach out for our hand, that we might be made whole, but also that our hands might bring healing and life to others. May the gifts we offer to you this morning bring life and healing to your children, both near and far. We pray in the name of your Son, our life and our healer. Amen. (Mark 5:21-43)

Newsletter Nugget

The chorus is familiar: "Here I am, Lord. Is it I, Lord? I have heard you calling in the night. I will go, Lord, if you lead me. I will hold your people in my heart."

Whether God's call is like a thunder clap or a gentle nudge, the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry is present to guide United Methodists on their vocational journey.

Through Exploration and other venues, the board creates connections and provides resources to aid in recruitment, education, professional development and spiritual formation. Every elder, deacon and licensed local pastor benefits from the board's training and candidacy programs. Many young adults find help in clarifying their vocation and God's call in their lives through Higher Education and Ministry's leadership and discernment efforts.

Thanks to every congregation's support of the World Service Fund, that vital agency continues to help people—young and old—answer God's call.

— Adapted from the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry website

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