"Those who find their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it."
-Matthew 10:39, NRSV
Basic to the financial program of The United Methodist Church, the World Service Fund is the primary way to support the denomination's global mission and ministry. This vital fund connects local churches with ministries across the denomination through church agencies and other national and international programs.
Giving to the World Service Fund enables the people of The United Methodist Church to play an active role in reaching the denomination's four areas of focus. The World Service Fund equips United Methodist boards and agencies to work in developing principled Christian leaders for the church and the world, creating new places for new people and renewing existing congregations, engaging in ministry with the poor, and stamping out killer diseases of poverty by improving health globally.
The World Service Fund truly demonstrates the mission of The United Methodist Church by supporting work with children, youth, students, people with mental and physical challenges, adults and older adults.
The fund also provides leadership and coordination for denominational ministry with youth and continues its commitment to quality under-graduate and post-graduate education, as well as giving certification to United Methodist professional Christian educators, communicators and musicians.
The World Service Fund makes sure that United Methodists speak and work to encourage a more ethical, just and humane world. World Service maintains a proud tradition of cooperation and dialogue with other faith traditions through interdenominational and ecumenical work.
--Adapted from umcgiving.org.
Loving God, help us to give of ourselves wherever you call us to serve. May we be selfless ambassadors for you and may we find joy in being obedient to your call. Thank you for allowing us to participate in your redemptive work. Amen.
From Discipleship Ministries: Epiphany Sunday/Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus/New Year's Day - God, our provider, we marvel that you care for each individual personally. Thank you for giving Joseph dreams for guidance and a trusting heart to follow you. Help us to discern the nudges and leading of your Holy Spirit. May we take action swiftly in response to your call to compassion for people in need. Bless them in practical ways through our church's ministries. We dedicate our tithes and offerings in the name of Jesus. Amen. (Matthew 2:13-23)
Whether we realize it or not, the way we spend our money — individually and as a church — says a lot about our priorities. It is easy to use our abundant financial resources on ourselves, making our lives more enjoyable and comfortable. However, that is not the wisest or most enduring way to expend those resources. If we are careful and thoughtful, we can use those finances to make significant, positive change in our world.
Just as budgets and accountability equip individuals and families to do the most good with their money, the General Council on Finance and Administration exists to ensure that The United Methodist Church uses its funds with integrity and purpose.
GCFA, supported by the World Service Fund, was created to be a leading, trusted administrative resource for The United Methodist Church. GCFA is accountable for the denomination's financial plan. It promotes fiscal integrity, strategic alliance building and steadfastness to historic United Methodist traditions and disciplines, thus enabling the fulfillment of the mission and ministry of the church.