"Ho, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters;… Incline your ear, and come to me; listen, so that you may live." -- Isaiah 55:1a, 3a, NRSV
In May, October and December 2015, three major tornadoes hit Texas. Flooding accompanied the autumn tornadoes, while frigid temperatures followed the winter tornadoes.
This was just one of the places that the United Methodist Committee on Relief provided disaster relief and remained present and committed in long-term rebuilding of the community. UMCOR assists people with physical needs and offers psychological and spiritual support in these overwhelming moments when individuals and families face loss and an unknown future.
UMCOR does more than disaster work in the United States. It serves internationally. Some of UMCOR's mission involves community development, working toward improving water, sanitation and hygiene, sustainable agriculture and food security, and nutrition. Again, UMCOR is committed to long-term relationships, collaborating with communities to overcome issues of poor health and hunger.
For more than 50 years, United Methodist congregations have participated in a special One Great Hour of Sharing offering, laying the foundation for UMCOR's ministry of relief and hope. Donations UMCOR receives through this offering, along with other undesignated gifts made throughout the year, cover costs of doing business. One Great Hour of Sharing makes it possible for UMCOR to use 100 percent of all other contributions on the projects donors specify, instead of on administrative or fundraising costs.
Next week – the fourth Sunday in Lent – we will celebrate One Great Hour of Sharing, walking alongside our sisters and brothers in crisis.
Emmanuel – God with us – as we remember the path you walked with us on this earth, help us to remember our call to follow you. Give us courage to walk alongside others to let them know that they are not alone. Amen.
From Discipleship Ministries: Third Sunday in Lent - Holy God, you offer abundance to all who are thirsty and hungry. You call out, drawing us near so that we will listen and delight in your ways. Thank you for giving us new life in Christ. Help us to set aside that which is not worthy of our time. May we turn our attention to you and the joy we find in serving our community. Accept the offering of ourselves, our time, talent, and treasure in Jesus' name. Amen. (Isaiah 55:1 – 9)
Water relates directly to life. We cannot live without water. We know that handwashing prevents the spread of illness and disease; yet, more than 660 million people lack access to clean water. Because of this, 5,000 children die each day due to illness related to contaminated water.
By furnishing clean water and improving hygiene and sanitation, the United Methodist Committee on Relief works with communities to make healthy living a reality for more of God's beautiful world. UMCOR is committed to walking alongside communities to provide hand pumps, latrines and health kits as well as teaching and training that will carry forward this lifesaving work for generations.
These are just a few examples of how the United Methodist Committee on Relief is active in the world. UMCOR also responds to disasters and restores communities and people in the wake of crisis. We can all be a part of this vital work when we participate in One Great Hour of Sharing, giving generously to the special offering, next week.