February 4, 2024 - Scouting Sunday

Photo credit: UrchenkoJulia/gettyimages
Photo credit: UrchenkoJulia/gettyimages

A Moment for Mission

Those who hope in the Lord

will renew their strength;

they will fly up on wings like eagles;

they will run and not be tired;

they will walk and not be weary. —Isaiah 40:31, CEB

Each week they come—hundreds of thousands of boys and girls ages 6 to 17 years, streaming into United Methodist churches for after-school or early evening meetings. Some of the children and youth are Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. Others are Campfire or 4-H Club members. All are part of the scouting ministry umbrella of The United Methodist Church.

The United Methodist Church designates the second Sunday in February as Scouting Sunday. Most churches that sponsor or host both Boy and Girl Scouts will celebrate the ministry and the adults and youth involved. Scouting Ministries Sunday is an opportunity to recognize those involved in the ministry and invite others to join.

The General Commission on United Methodist Men established an Office of Civic Youth-Serving Agencies/Scouting Ministries. This office promotes the use of programs across the church and to help local congregations understand how they might use civic youth-serving agencies as an outreach ministry within their community. 

Children’s Message

Isaiah 40:21-31

Today is Scouting Sunday. Is anyone here part of the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts? In scouting, you learn valuable skills like how to find your way in the wilderness. The passage from the prophet Isaiah teaches us that when we face challenges, God helps us rise above like wings lifting us up.

(Show a compass or a picture of a compass) Scouts and other people use a compass that always points north, helping us find our way, just like God’s love guides us in our lives. And just like a compass, God’s love is constant and unwavering. It doesn’t change, no matter where we are or what challenges we face. You can trust in God’s love, just like you trust your compass in the wilderness

Whether you are tying knots, exploring nature, or facing life’s challenges, God is always with you, strengthening you to be your best self.


O God, your will is that all your children should grow into fullness of life. We lift to you the ministry of scouting. We offer you thanks for camping, to teach us that the world is our great home; for study and work, to build character; for service, to see our responsibility to those in need; for encouragement in genuine patriotism and vital faith. Bless the work of scouting, in this place and around the world, that, through its efforts, the young may, like our Lord, increase in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with you and all people. Amen. (MARK TROTTER, U.S.A., 20TH CENT.)

Offertory Prayer: Discipleship Ministries

God of power and patience, we gather in worship to wait on your presence and to be filled with your power. Jesus healed with a touch and taught us that you are the source of the true healing that can make us whole. As we take time now in worship to offer our gifts to you, we pray that they might be used to bring healing: of body, of spirit, of broken relationships; healing of a planet that is groaning under our carelessness and greed; healing of a world community that is deeply divided by distrust and self-interest. We pray this in Jesus’ holy name. Amen. (Isaiah 40:21-31; Mark 1:29-39)

Newsletter Nugget

Those who hope in the Lord

will renew their strength;

they will fly up on wings like eagles;

they will run and not be tired;

they will walk and not be weary. —Isaiah 40:31, CEB

A scout leader shares an experience of one of the youth he serves:

The clouds had parted, and the rays showed down brilliantly. A young man who had been struggling in life exclaimed, “It is like the movies. You know when God reaches down and parts the clouds.” Overwhelmed with the thought of God’s love, he started to cry. He went down into the galley and sobbed for a while.

Why Scouting ministries? We will not be able to share moments of God’s revelation if we are not there. I have not found any other tool so effective at reaching into the lives of youth inside the church and outside the church as those we partner with through scouting ministries.

Story adapted from “Order of Worship for 100 Year Scout Sunday Celebration

The United Methodist Church designates the second Sunday in February as Scouting Sunday. Scouting Ministries Sunday is an opportunity to recognize those involved in the ministry and invite others to join.

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