December 08, 2024 - Youth Service Fund

Photo credit: Rudzhan Nagiev/Gettyimages
Photo credit: Rudzhan Nagiev/Gettyimages

A Moment for Mission

“See, I am sending my messenger to prepare the way before me, and the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple. The messenger of the covenant in whom you delight—indeed, he is coming, says the Lord of hosts.” —Malachi 3:1, NRSVUE

Youth Service Fund (YSF) is the national United Methodist mission fund supported by youth. Through YSF, United Methodist teens raise money for other teens doing ministry in their churches and communities impacting poverty, illiteracy, absenteeism and social justice.

The Youth Service Fund is a unique ministry because it is run completely by, with and for youth. Youth contribute the money, they decide what projects receive the money and the projects supported are youth-designed, youth-led and youth benefited.

For example, a project addressing gun violence in Ghana is a youth-driven, community-supported grassroots initiative committed to addressing the illicit manufacturing, circulation and misuse of sophisticated locally made guns. Gun violence has significantly increased in the hands of unauthorized individuals and gangs resulting in increased arms-related crimes in the project area. To a large extent, firearms have become the weapon of choice and feature prominently in local conflicts, interpersonal-violence and gender-based and other human rights violations thus creating a general sense of insecurity.

In addressing these community concerns, the project focuses on three critical intervention areas that are strongly interconnected, namely small arms control, provision of alternative livelihood for artisans producing firearms and spiritual nurturing of young people to prevent them from being drawn into a life of crime and violence.

Because of your support, youth around the world will receive grant funding for ministries that are youth-designed, youth-led and for the benefit of youth. Thank you for being a part of this amazing ministry.

Children’s Message

[Hold up a piggy bank.]

The Youth Service Fund is a special fund in our United Methodist Church. It’s like a big piggy bank where young people, just like you, put their money together to help other kids and teens. Isn’t that amazing?

Through YSF, United Methodist teens raise money to support other teens who are doing wonderful things in their churches and communities. They help with projects that address important issues like poverty, education and social justice. It’s all about young people helping other young people.

For example, in Michigan there’s a program called Middle School Wyldlife. They have fun “club nights” where middle schoolers get together to play games, listen to music and hear stories about Jesus. They meet in neighborhood places so kids who might feel a bit shy about coming to a church can still join in and feel welcome.

All the money that supports these projects comes from youth, and they get to decide which projects to support. It doesn’t matter what age you are. Each one of us can find creative ways in our neighborhood to share God’s love through Jesus.


Dear God, thank you for the gift of Jesus and for this Advent season of expectation. Thank you for the Youth Service Fund and for all the young people who help others through their generosity and kindness. Amen.

Offertory Prayer: Discipleship Ministries

Loving God, in this Advent season, we bring our offerings with hearts open to your call. Just as John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus, may our gifts help prepare the way for your kingdom. Use these offerings to bring hope, justice and transformation. Help us to look beyond the surface, to see your work in surprising places and people. Bless our giving, that it may shine with the presence of Emmanuel. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen. (Luke 3:1-6)

Newsletter Nugget

“See, I am sending my messenger to prepare the way before me, and the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple. The messenger of the covenant in whom you delight—indeed, he is coming, says the Lord of hosts.” —Malachi 3:1, NRSVUE

Youth Service Fund (YSF) is the national United Methodist mission fund supported by youth. Through YSF, United Methodist teens raise money for other teens doing ministry in their churches and communities impacting poverty, illiteracy, absenteeism and social justice.

The Youth Service Fund is a unique ministry because it is run completely by, with and for youth. Youth contribute the money, they decide what projects receive the money and the projects supported are youth-designed, youth-led and youth benefited. Youth from everywhere may apply for funding.

For example, the Middle School Wyldlife program in Michigan hosts “club nights” for local middle schoolers. These events include games, music, socializing and sharing a message about the gospel along with a testimony. Gathering in neutral locations such as local pavilions, homes or coffee shops, these youth create events that provide an invitational environment for youth who are uncomfortable meeting in a church setting. The intention is to provide a space that feels fun and welcoming to kids with no church background, consistent with the approaches noted in the #SeeAllThePeople movement. Relationships are built with the kids, and they are then invited to club nights where they hear the gospel and receive consistent mentorship.

Because of your support, youth around the world will receive grant funding for ministries that are youth-designed, youth-led and for the benefit of youth. Thank you for being a part of this amazing ministry.

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