Creative ways to support The Advance

Ask your church to launch or renew a covenant relationship with a General Board of Global Ministries' missionary. In addition to a financial commitment:

  • Pray for the missionary's ministry in worship.

  • Celebrate the missionary's birthday with a special offering.

  • Invite the missionary to visit the church or to Skype with the congregation.

Alternative Giving

  • Ask that birthday or Christmas gifts be a donation made in your name to your favorite Advance project.

  • Identify projects and missionaries that have special meaning to the people on your Christmas list and give in their honor. If you still want a wrapped gift, accompany the notification with a token representation of the project (a framed map of the region, a water bottle for a water project or a hammer for a construction project.). Or design or purchase a card that reflects the project theme.

  • Hold an alternative gift fair or booth at your church. Offer a list of projects with photos from different ministries.

Incorporate prayers and support into your seasonal Bible study or other small-group gatherings and receive a collection for a related project.

During Advent or Lent, feature missionaries and projects in Bethlehem and Jerusalem.

In autumn, lift up agricultural/harvest projects and missionaries.

Other Ideas

  • Invite the community to a fundraiser. People will be happy to know that 100 percent of their donation will go to the designated project. Working with an In Mission Together coordinator, build a relationship with a new worship community mission initiative in another country.

  • Sponsor a community program about HIV/AIDS around World AIDS Day (Dec. 1) with the admission fee benefiting HIV/AIDS projects.

  • Host a mission celebration focused on supporting mission through The Advance.

  • Tweet, Facebook or use other social media to tell about projects you support.

  • Introduce children to Advance projects during children's sermons.

  • Take a "noisy offering" in soup pots to support a hunger and poverty Advance project.

  • Collect money in a "wishing well" to send to a water project or in a garden pot for an agricultural project.

General Board of Global Ministries

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