August 27 – United Volunteers in Mission Awareness Sunday

Moment for Mission

"I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship." — Romans 12:1, NRSV  

Were you aware that United Methodist Volunteers in Mission has coordinated volunteers serving in short-term mission since 1976, with projects in over 90 countries around the world? 

Did you know that United Methodist Volunteers in Mission serves in the United States as well as internationally? UMVIM serves people in need in more than 30 states. 

United Methodist Volunteers in Mission seeks to equip volunteers with experiences that allow them to put Christian love into action in places around the world.

The projects that volunteers can serve on are as diverse as the number of places there are to serve. Some of the work involves assisting communities with maintaining clean water sources. According to the World Health Organization, 1.8 million people use water from contaminated sources every day. 

Other work involves the building of churches in impoverished areas and people who in desperate need of not only food and clean water, but also the hope of Jesus. Additional projects include working at medical clinics, teaching English, and improving substandard housing in the United States and globally. 

Were you aware that no matter your gifts, there is a place for you to put Christian love in action? Perhaps, on United Methodist Volunteers in Mission Awareness Sunday, you might find a place to serve.

Offertory Prayer         

Almighty God, as we present ourselves to you on United Volunteers in Mission Awareness Sunday, we celebrate those who have given their prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness as mission volunteers. We thank you for their ministry of demonstrating Christian love in action.  May we be as living sacrifices, willing to go where you would send us, using the gifts you have created within us to serve you in this world, putting your love into action. Grant that we would recognize and support this ministry in all the ways we can.  Amen.

From Discipleship Ministries: Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost – Living God, we are grateful for your faithful care of all that you have created. We are so glad to rely on your steadfast love. Today, we lift up those who are vulnerable, in physical danger, or caught in addiction. Set them free, like a bird released from a trap. Strengthen our church's caring ministries through our gifts and offerings. May we assist others to embrace the new life that you provide through Christ our risen Lord. Amen. (Psalm 124) 

Newsletter Nugget

United Methodist Volunteers in Mission coordinates volunteers who wish to participate in short-term mission experiences internationally and locally. Projects range from improving substandard housing and creating and maintaining clean water sources for communities, to teaching English, providing medical services, and maintaining and building churches.

UMVIM has been in existence since 1976. General Conference has since affirmed United Methodist Volunteers in Mission, and it now has jurisdictional offices and representatives from each annual conference. Now, we recognize its important work of putting Christian love into action across the globe on United Methodist Volunteers in Mission Awareness Sunday. 

Not only does United Methodist Volunteers in Mission coordinate volunteers, but it also prepares those volunteers for their mission experience. This involves training to ensure that team leaders are equipped and ready to lead, logistically and spiritually, during the mission experience. 

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