Traditionally, each year the Relationship Team selects 15-20 annual conferences at which members of our staff will be physically present. However, this year, many annual conference sessions have moved to virtual meetings in the fall. This affords UMCom the unique opportunity to be present at all of the meetings.
The team is pursuing opportunities within these presentations to share our message about “The Power of Communication” and how we can serve churches through resources and training.
They’re also asking that you take time to observe these sessions as you are able. Listen to the Episcopal and Laity Addresses (or more if you’re able) and make note of opportunities you identify of how our agency might engage and partner with the annual conference. Email all feedback directly to Wanda Jackson.
If you haven't already read Gary Henderson's invitation email sent on Monday, please do so. Then, in the coming months, keep watch for emails featuring details and direct links to view the conferences that will be sent to you on a weekly basis.
Please use this link to review the entire summer-fall schedule of virtual annual conference sessions: