Annual Conference COSROWs

Teamwork Graphic. Courtesy of COSROW.
Teamwork Graphic. Courtesy of COSROW.

The United Methodist Book of Discipline requires every annual conference to maintain its own Commission on the Status and Role of Women (AC COSROW). These commissions are responsible for insuring the total equality of women within the annual conference while seeking to eradicate sexism.

AC COSROWs live out their mission to address the concerns of women in the church through four main areas of ministry: education, advocacy, cooperation and monitoring/research.

They educate themselves and others on the issues and challenges women face in ministry and the workplace.

They become advocates for the women they represent by providing ample opportunities for their voices to be heard at all levels of the church.

They cooperate by finding ways for women in positions of leadership at all levels (local, conference, denominational, etc.) to connect with one another. They also partner with other groups and causes such as United Methodist Women and local clergywomen's groups.

They collect and analyze relevant data on the various roles, participation and representation of women within the conference while establishing accountability practices for the conference to live out its commitment to gender equality.

Learn more about the Annual Conference COSROWs.

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