8 Best Practices for handling Church Offering


There are some accounting practices that never go out of style. In particular, how to handle money. If you want to build trust within your congregation around finances (and who doesn’t want to do that?) you’ll want to make sure you’re employing these “best practices.”

I talked to a church financial administrator. She told me about a small church whose treasurer took the offering home and counted it every Sunday. Now I am no accountant (which should not come as much of a shock to anyone) but even I know that is a bad, bad practice. 

In my blog, Recognizing First Time Givers, I said that one of the ways you can reassure people that your church is worthy of their giving is by telling them that you “have established policies for secure handling and counting of weekly offerings.” But the question is:

Do you have these policies in place? If you do, fantastic! But then you should ask,

“When was the last time these policies were reviewed?” and “Are we following these policies?”

Just in case you don’t have anything in writing yet (because this should instantly become a high priority if you don’t), here are some best practices for receiving your church’s offering – adapted from the suggested policies of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference and the Southwest Texas Annual Conferences of the UMC:

  • Two unrelated people should always be present to handle the collected offering.  Their relationship should be devoid of any potential conflict of interest or incentives for collusion (as could exist with spouses, employer-employee, business partners, members of the same family, etc.) One person counts while the other observes and the observer recounts while the original counter observes. 
  • The same two unrelated people should not count the money every Sunday. There should be rotation among counters. 
  • Church funds should not be taken to anyone’s private home.  
  • Checks received should be immediately endorsed “For Deposit Only.” 
  • The counters should give the offering totals to the financial secretary and treasurer and record the totals in a deposit log that should then be compared to the bank statement. 
  • Bank deposits should be prepared by the counters (or church treasurer) and then deposited. A receipt filed with deposit information should then be given to your church financial secretary. 
  • The offering should be deposited as soon as possible. If it is not possible to deposit the offerings on the same day, the offering should be kept in a secure (locked) location at the church. 
  • Those persons involved with the local church collection and accounting process must be instructed on the importance of keeping any financial information confidential. The counting committee should be made aware of the sensitive role in maintaining confidentiality with regard to the giving levels of various members.

The purpose of these policies is to create confidence in the process and to protect the volunteers who are counting the money. Collecting the offering is a sacred trust. What you do with the money immediately afterwards matters. Make you sure you put that in writing.

Cesie Delve Scheuermann, consultant in stewardship, development, and grant writing, Oregon-Idaho AC,

Click here to subscribe to her blog: "Inspiring Generosity." 

United Methodist Church Giving is about people working together to accomplish something bigger than themselves. In so doing, we effect change around the world, all in the name of Jesus Christ. To read stories about the generosity of United Methodists click here.

First published July 24, 2013.

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