A Moment for Mission
" Peace be with you. As the Father sent me, so I am sending you.” — John 20:21, CEB
It was the evening of that first Easter Sunday, but instead of celebrating, Jesus disciples were hiding behind locked doors. Fear gripped them—fear of the unknown, fear of what might happen to them now that Jesus had been crucified. But suddenly, Jesus stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!" (John 20:19) He showed them his hands and his side, and their fear turned to joy. Then, Jesus gave them a mission: breathing the Holy Spirit upon them, he commissioned them to go and share the good news, saying, "As the Father sent me, so I send you" (John 20:21).
Jesus didn’t just come back to comfort them—he came back to send them out. His resurrection wasn’t just good news to hold onto; it was a message to share—a call to action. The disciples had been afraid, but now they had a purpose. They had seen the risen Christ, and he was sending them into the world.
This same call extends to us today. Jesus’ resurrection wasn’t just for the disciples—it was for the world. He sent them to continue his mission, to offer peace, and to bring others to faith. This is the mission we continue today through agencies like United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM). Their work equips people for short-term mission work, helping them step out in faith to serve those in need—whether through rebuilding homes, providing medical care, or supporting communities in crisis.
One disciple, Thomas, wasn’t there when Jesus appeared to the others. When the others told him they had seen Jesus, he didn’t believe. Like Thomas, many in the world who need to see Jesus to believe. How will they see him? Through us—through our acts of compassion, our willingness to serve, and our commitment to being Christ’s hands and feet in the world. Jesus calls us out of fear and into mission. He breathes his Spirit upon us and sends us, just as the Father sent him.
Where is Jesus calling you to go? Who in your life needs to experience the peace of Christ through your words and actions?
Children’s Message
Title: Jesus Sends Us with Peace
Materials: A small toy or stuffed animal to represent “peace” (optional)
Good morning, friends! Do you remember what happened on Easter? (Pause for answers.) That’s right—Jesus came back to life! He rose from the dead to show us how much he loves us and to give us hope.
After Jesus came back to life, his friends, the disciples, were so scared. They didn’t know what to do. But one day, when they were all hiding together in a room, Jesus appeared to them and said, "Peace be with you!" (John 20:19). How do you think they felt when they saw him? (Pause for answers.) Yes, they were so happy and excited!
But then Jesus told them something very special: "Just as the Father has sent me, so I am sending you" (John 20:21). What do you think that means? (Pause for answers.) It means that just like Jesus had a job to do here on earth, we have a job too! Jesus wants us to share his love and peace with everyone we meet. We can do this by being kind, helping others, and telling them about Jesus’ love.
There’s a group of people called United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) who help people all over the world. They go to places where people need help, and they share Jesus’ love by doing things like building houses, helping those in need, and sharing kindness with everyone. You and I can do this too!
So, just like Jesus sent his disciples, he sends YOU to share his love and peace with others. Maybe you can share peace by helping a friend, giving a hug, or saying something kind to someone who is feeling sad.
Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank You for bringing peace to the disciples and for sending us to share Your love. Help us to be kind and loving to everyone we meet, just like You. Amen.
Offertory Prayer
Risen Christ, You stepped into the fear of the disciples and offered them peace. Then, You sent them out to continue Your mission. As we bring our gifts before You today, we do so in response to that same call—to step beyond our fears and serve others in Your name.
Bless these offerings and the work of United Methodist Volunteers in Mission, that through their hands, hearts, and service, others may see and experience Your love. Use our gifts to bring hope, healing, and transformation to those in need, that Your mission may continue through us. In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.
From Discipleship Ministries:
God, from you comes every bounty. Every sacrifice of life that sustains ours is the sacrifice of your beloved. As we return a small part of the bounty you have blessed us with, We pray that it will be used to forge stronger connections among all creation Until the whole world is redeemed by your love. Amen
Newsletter Nugget
On Easter evening, when Jesus appeared to his disciples, they were filled with fear. But instead of leaving them in fear, Jesus offered them peace and sent them out with a mission: "As the Father has sent me, so I send you" (John 20:21).
Just as Jesus sent his disciples to share his peace with the world, we are also called to serve others and spread God’s love. One powerful way to do this is through the United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM). This ministry helps equip people for short-term mission trips, where they can serve those in need, offer care and compassion, and help rebuild lives in communities affected by disaster or poverty.
In our daily lives, we too are sent to share God’s peace and love with others. Whether through a simple act of kindness or a larger mission project, each of us has a role in spreading Christ’s love. Just as Jesus sent his disciples, he sends us with the same message: Peace be with you.