November 24, 2024 - United Methodist Student Day


A Moment for Mission

“I pray that the eyes of your heart will have enough light to see what is the hope of God’s call, what is the richness of God’s glorious inheritance among believers, and what is the overwhelming greatness of God’s power that is working among us believers.” —Ephesians 1:18-19, CEB

Today is United Methodist Student Day. The church raises children with the tools that open the “eyes of their hearts.” They know who they are and whose they are. And they go out in the world filled with confidence that has been instilled in them as children of God. They are not left alone on their spiritual journeys.

Because we are a connectional church, our offerings, when joined with other churches, can go so much farther than on our own.

Ben Rohn is one student who received a scholarship through the United Methodist Student Day Special Sunday offering. The encouragement he received from his local church, combined with the financial support through the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, helped him to succeed as a young adult. Ben says he can’t imagine being the person he is without the influence of his church family.

We may never meet Ben Rohn, but his life is changed because of the gifts given through United Methodist Student Day from churches like ours. The lives of this church’s students also are impacted because they are part of this connectional denomination.

When we pour our gifts into one another, these words and actions ripple into the world. We strengthen one another individually, and by extension, we also impact the communities we interact with beyond the local church.

Children’s Message

Repeat after me these words that Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus:

“I pray that the eyes of your heart

will have enough light to see

what is the hope of God’s call,

what is the richness of God’s

glorious inheritance among believers,

and what is the overwhelming

greatness of God’s power.” (1:18-19, CEB)

Show the children a flashlight without the batteries and ask, “What does a flashlight do?” (It shines light so we can see in the dark.) “But right now, this flashlight doesn’t work because it doesn’t have any power.” Put the batteries into the flashlight and turn it on. “When the flashlight has power, it shines brightly and helps us see.

“Just like the flashlight needs power to shine, we need God’s power to help us live the way Jesus teaches us. God’s power is even greater than the flashlight’s light. God’s power is so great that it even raised Jesus from the dead. That’s the Holy Spirit power that helps us every day!”

“God’s power helps us live our lives and understand what’s important. We can also share God’s love and power by helping others. For example, today, our church and other United Methodist churches are collecting money to support students on their educational journeys in college.”

Turn the flashlight on and shine it around to each of the children. “The United Methodist Church wants you to feel empowered and nurtured by our love. We want you to succeed and reach your dreams. With God’s power behind you and the support of all of the people sitting here, I know nothing will stop you.”

Loving and almighty God, with hearts full of gratitude and hope, we lift up the students who receive encouragement through United Methodist Student Day. Thank you for their dedication, hard work, and the bright futures that lie ahead of them. Strengthen their faith and perseverance in their educational journeys. Give them a spirit of wisdom and revelation so they may know you better. Bless these gifts to be transformed into educational opportunities that bring blessings to their lives and the world. Amen.

Newsletter Nugget

“I pray that the eyes of your heart will have enough light to see what is the hope of God’s call, what is the richness of God’s glorious inheritance among believers, and what is the overwhelming greatness of God’s power that is working among us believers.” —Ephesians 1:18-19, CEB

One of six denominational Special Sundays, United Methodist Student Day celebrates young adults and gives them a financial and spiritual boost.

For example, the church was always part of Ben Rohn’s life. As the child of a pastor, he attended several United Methodist churches growing up. While it was challenging to uproot his life and move to a new town, he found a sense of extended family through the nourishment of people in the church who cared for him and wanted him to succeed.

His church was committed to helping him identify financial resources to attain his educational goals. One of those resources was a scholarship through the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.

Ben has experienced the good that The United Methodist Church has done for him but also for the greater community. This offering is a way to ensure that young members of our denomination have the resources needed to open the eyes of their heart and discern where God is leading them.

Gifts to the United Methodist Student Day offering are building hope, empowering futures, and shaping tomorrow. 

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