September 15, 2024 - World Service Fund (General Board of Global Ministries)

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Photo credit: PeopleImages/gettyimages

A Moment for Mission

“If any wish to come after me, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” —Mark 8:34, NRSVUE

Missionary Edmund Melusi Makowa is from Zimbabwe and serves in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He shares an update from his mission area.

In February 2023, the Yambasu Agriculture Initiative project steering committee journeyed from Kindu to Okasa and Penesula, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), to start maize harvesting on 26 hectares (about 64 acres) of land. The maize seeds used were the local Samaru open-pollinated variety obtained from SENASEM, a government institution.

Notably, local farmers in this pristine tropical biome seldom utilize hybrid maize seed and conventional farming practices. Our focus remains on promoting enhanced crop production methods while upholding a harmonious blend of ecological sustainability and food output.

After receiving the Yambasu Agriculture Initiative grant, we were able to purchase a Case IH Farmall JXM75 tractor, a three-disc plow, a 20-disc harrow and a five-ton trailer. The tractor and its implements have a significant operating cost in a rural and remote setting like Maniema. However, we have a significant edge over most farmers who do not have these tools. Over 90 percent of farmers in this region practice subsistence farming with simple tools like machetes for forest clearing and hoes for digging.

Through sustainable agricultural practices, our work fosters capacity-building among local leaders. I believe that serving with God’s people in Missio Dei is a profound calling that requires nurturing and cultivating what belongs to God, ensuring growth and fruitfulness.

United Methodists enrich global ministries through the World Service Fund. Thank you!

Children’s Message

What is a missionary? Usually, we think of missionaries as people who travel to distant places to tell people about God. That is just part of the story.

Yes, some missionaries serve as pastors, evangelists and church coordinators. But missionaries are also teachers and educators; doctors, nurses and other health professionals; agriculturists; development specialists; community organizers and peacebuilders. They come from places around the world and work in the United States and in other countries.

The apostle Paul is remembered as the first missionary to travel to spread the good news about Jesus. He brought other early Christians with him—Barnabas on his first journey in A.D. 46-47, then Silas and Timothy. We read about Paul in the New Testament, especially in the book of Acts (chapters 13 and 14), and in his letters to people he met in Rome, Corinth, Galatia, Ephesus, Philippi, Colossae and Thessalonica.

Today, United Methodist missionaries serve in about 60 different countries.

When you tell others about Jesus, you, too, are a missionary!

Prayer for Missionaries

We bless you, O God, and we give you all the praise and glory.

We ask you to bless your servants.

Fill them with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Guide them as messengers of salvation and peace in your name,

marked with the sign of the cross and anchored in your grace.

Newsletter Nugget

“If any wish to come after me, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” —Mark 8:34, NRSVUE

Cosponsored by Global Ministries, an Earth Day service and vigil on April 22, 2024, called the global church to greater stewardship of creation. Using song and vivid descriptions of nature from her childhood home in Botswana, Dr. Musa Dube celebrated creation by recalling milking cows, fetching water and singing to the moon and stars.

“This is how I grew up,” she said. “The Lord led me into the green pastures.”

But all the while, Dube said, “I cried because I could not understand how I could hurt the one I so dearly love. … Today, in this context of climate change, Mother Earth weeps and groans in pain, and we cannot separate ourselves from her ill health,” Dube said.

Using scripture from Mark 4 and Genesis 1, Dube reminded those in attendance of their creation story and the power of Christ. “All members of the Earth community … all people of all identities are products of the will of God,” she said. “All members of the Earth and the whole universe are God among us. In other words, we are surrounded by the awesome presence of God in and through creation.”

United Methodists enrich Global Ministries’ creation care work through the World Service Fund. Thank you!

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