July 07, 2024 - Christian Education Sunday

Photo credit: Marinela Malcheva/gettyimages
Photo credit: Marinela Malcheva/gettyimages

A Moment for Mission

On the Sabbath, he began to teach in the synagogue. Many who heard him were surprised. “Where did this man get all this? What’s this wisdom he’s been given?” —Mark 6:2, CEB

Where do you learn from Jesus today? What are your favorite Sunday school memories? How do you engage in Bible study today? Christian education is far more than Sunday school or offering a cluster of miscellaneous classes and groups. Its vision and goal encompass the learning groups, relationships and experiences that educate, inspire and transform people into God’s image so that they are effective and productive Christian disciples in the church and marketplace.

Our faithful gifts on Christian Education Sunday nurture growth and learning. Through this offering, we support congregations and districts in providing educational and small-group ministries, teaching individuals of all ages about their Christian faith and motivating service in the church, the community and the world.

Christian Education Sunday is observed on a date determined by each United Methodist annual conference.

Children’s Message

What are some of your favorite memories from Sunday school? Maybe it’s learning about Jesus, singing songs of praise or making new friends. Who are some of the amazing teachers who have taught you about God’s love, shared stories from the Bible and helped you grow in your faith?

Our Sunday school teachers are like shining stars, guiding us on our journey of faith. They help us understand the stories of Jesus and how they apply to our lives today. Through their love and guidance, we learn more about God’s love and how to share it with others. Let’s show our appreciation for our Sunday school teachers. (Ask teachers to stand, Then lead the children in clapping and cheering for them.)


Holy teacher, we are called to teach and serve one another as we grow in our faith. We give thanks for the students who desire to grow in their faith and relationship with God. As we learn and teach the stories of our faith, may we be ever mindful of how we model the peace of Christ in the world. Help us work for peace, create it and live it. Grant us wisdom and discernment to lead and model with Christlike love in our homes, classroom, community and world. Amen.

Adapted from “A Litany of Dedication for Christian Educators, Leaders, and Learners,” Partners in Faith Formation & Discipleship: Peacebuilders, © 2022 by Discipleship Ministries of The United Methodist Church (https://s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/gbod-assets/generic/CEWeek2022_Newsletter_ENG.pdf).

Newsletter Nugget

On the Sabbath, he began to teach in the synagogue. Many who heard him were surprised. “Where did this man get all this? What’s this wisdom he’s been given?” —Mark 6:2, CEB

What is Christian education? Sunday school? Confirmation and new-member classes? Bible studies? Vacation Bible school? Church camp? Age-level ministries?

Methodism’s founder, John Wesley, started class meetings for adults. He encouraged people of all ages to grow in their faith by participating in the sacraments, joining in community life, reading Scripture and singing hymns. Through these means of grace, Wesley urged believers to engage with God and with one another.

Annually, across The United Methodist Church, congregations observe Christian Education Sunday. With the date determined by each annual conference, this Sunday calls the church as God’s people to be open to growth and learning as disciples of Jesus Christ. If the conference so directs, an offering may be received to enrich Christian education.

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