May 26, 2024 - Peace with Justice Sunday


A Moment for Mission

One who rules over people justly…is like the light of morning, like the sun rising on a cloudless morning, gleaming from the rain on the grassy land.” —2 Samuel 23:3-4, NRSVUE

Imagine children walking along a pathway of peace, discovering transformational books. Picture conversations being sparked, the seeds of compassion and understanding planted in young hearts. And now imagine those children carrying those lessons into their schools and homes. Visualize how the impact ripples outward, touching lives and shaping communities. Through the generous support of United Methodists, Our Lord’s United Methodist Church in New Berlin, Wisconsin, was able to establish an “Intergenerational Peace and Justice Storytelling Path” within their church grounds.

This pathway serves not only as a physical space for contemplation but also as a resource for education and action. It’s a testament to the United Methodist commitment to justice, peace and the transformation of communities.

On Peace with Justice Sunday, we have an opportunity to be part of the justice movement that is rising in our communities. Half of our gifts stay with local ministries in this conference and half support the work of Church and Society globally.

Children’s Message

Today’s memory verse comes from 2 Samuel 23:3-4 (read the passage and ask the children to repeat each line).

Today United Methodist churches are celebrating Peace with Justice Sunday. Peace means being kind, getting along with others and helping each other. And justice means making things fair for everyone.

King David loved God very much and wanted everyone to live in peace and fairness. Some of his last words were about the justice that God wants us to live with. He said that God’s justice is like the brightness of a sunny morning and the rain that brings life to the earth. Just like sunlight helps plants grow and rain makes the flowers bloom, God’s justice helps our world become a better place.

Look at this flashlight! God’s justice shines light on what’s right. When we treat others kindly and stand up for what’s fair, we’re spreading God’s light of peace!


Peaceful God, bless our offerings today as a testament to our commitment to rising justice, pursuing peace and building a world where all are valued, all are welcome and all are loved. Transform our gifts into lasting peace with justice for your people. Amen.

Newsletter Nugget

One who rules over people justly…is like the light of morning, like the sun rising on a cloudless morning, gleaming from the rain on the grassy land.” —2 Samuel 23:3-4, NRSVUE

The Bible has always prioritized working for peace with justice as a core practice of our faith. God calls on us to challenge unjust leaders and serve as advocates for justice and peace.

The United Methodist celebration of Peace with Justice represents a faithful expression of shalom. Half of our gifts stay with local ministries in this conference and half support the work of Church and Society globally.

There is power in our collective action and our shared commitment to peace with justice. Our offerings, however small they may seem, can transform lives and build a more just and compassionate world. We trust that the God of justice walks beside us, strengthening us in our efforts. As David assures us, God has made an “everlasting covenant, ordered in all things and secure” (2 Samual 23:5, NRSVUE).

Please give generously, advocate passionately and work tirelessly for the peaceable kingdom that God envisions for all creation.

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