A Moment for Mission
“It isn’t that we want others to have financial ease and you financial difficulties, but it’s a matter of equality. At the present moment, your surplus can fill their deficit so that in the future their surplus can fill your deficit. In this way there is equality.” —2 Corinthians 8:13-14, CEB
High-level delegations from the three largest Ethiopian churches made a move to strengthen ecumenical cooperation “in responding to humanitarian needs and in promoting peace and social cohesion in Ethiopia,” according to minutes released by the gathering.
The Ethiopian church leaders shared extensively about the dire humanitarian situation in their nation. Millions of people require food aid and are internally displaced, various parts of the country face severe droughts or floods, and recent malaria outbreaks have worsened the situation. A desire for ecumenical collaboration in advocacy for human rights was also expressed.
The World Council of Churches (WCC) served as a convener and facilitator of the process. The World Council of Churches is an ecumenical partner supported by the Interdenominational Cooperation Fund apportionment.
One of seven apportioned giving opportunities of The United Methodist Church, the Interdenominational Cooperation Fund enables United Methodists to share a presence and a voice in the activities of several national and worldwide ecumenical organizations.
Children’s Message
Today, I want to share with you something very special that our United Methodist Church does to work together with other Christians around the world. It’s called the Interdenominational Cooperation Fund!
Just like you have all different kinds of friends, our church is friends with Christians from different churches and denominations, and we like to work together to share God’s love with everyone.
We join our voices with Christians from different churches to advocate for peace and justice in our world. We believe that when we work together, we can make a bigger difference and bring about positive change.
No matter what church someone goes to, we’re all part of God’s big family, and together, we can do amazing things to make the world a better place!
In a closing prayer at the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva, those gathered gave thanks for the gift of reconciliation and unity in Christ:
“How wonderful it is, how pleasant, to know the many efforts have been made for building peace and realizing reconciliation in Ethiopia,” they prayed together. “How wonderful it is, how pleasant, to live in a reconciled community, where repentance and forgiveness become our common language, where our neighbor’s laughter becomes our joy, and their sorrow becomes ours.”
Newsletter Nugget
“It isn’t that we want others to have financial ease and you financial difficulties, but it’s a matter of equality. At the present moment, your surplus can fill their deficit so that in the future their surplus can fill your deficit. In this way there is equality.” —2 Corinthians 8:13-14, CEB
While we’re proud of what makes The United Methodist Church distinct, we’re also committed to recognizing and celebrating the presence and work of Jesus Christ among other Christian fellowships throughout the world.
The United Methodist Church partners with the larger church to share the good news of Christ together. We’re joining our voices with Christians around the world to advocate for peace and justice. And through the Pan-Methodist Commission we’re pursuing reconciliation with other Methodist bodies to bear witness to the unity of Christ’s church.
The Interdenominational Cooperation Fund allows The United Methodist Church to partner with Christian sisters and brothers throughout the world to fulfill our shared mission.
Your giving makes shared ministry through Christ’s body possible today. Because of it, The United Methodist Church can partner with other Christians to witness together to the hope we have in Jesus Christ.