June 23 - Special Appeals

A Moment for Mission

“He got up and gave orders to the wind, and he said to the lake, ‘Silence! Be still!’ The wind settled down and there was a great calm.” —Mark 4:39, CEB

When disaster strikes anywhere on earth, United Methodists provide safe harbor to those in need. 

Most disaster relief work and funding occur through ongoing ministries. The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) enters into a disaster at the request of the resident bishop or church partner. The request may be for financial or material resources, technical assistance or volunteers.

When typical methods of disaster-response funding are inadequate, special area or conference emergency appeals are issued. Resident bishops may call for any emergency appeal in their annual conference when a disaster affects a specific part of the United States.

In situations where the emergency in question is of catastrophic proportions, a church-wide appeal may be issued. Special appeals are United Methodism’s way of putting “a muzzle on” whatever disaster—natural or human-caused—threatens the health and safety of God’s children.

Children’s Message

Sometimes, storms can be scary, with strong winds and rain. But do you know what's even scarier? When a big disaster, like a hurricane or an earthquake, affects people’s homes and lives.

In Mark 4:39 Jesus is speaking to a storm and it became calm. He brought peace to the chaos, just like he brings peace to our hearts when we’re scared.

When disaster strikes anywhere on earth, United Methodists become Jesus’ helpers. We come together to provide safe harbor to our friends in need. We give what we can to support our neighbors who are going through a tough time. We come together as a big family to provide love, support and shelter in the storm.

Even during a storm, we can be a beacon of hope and love to those who need it most.


Dear God, thank you for being our shelter in the storm and for allowing us to help others in need. Bless the work of church leaders and bring us alongside those affected by disasters. Give them comfort and strength during difficult times. Amen.

Newsletter Nugget

“He got up and gave orders to the wind, and he said to the lake, ‘Silence! Be still!’ The wind settled down and there was a great calm.” —Mark 4:39, CEB

When disaster strikes anywhere on earth, United Methodists provide safe harbor to those in need.

Most disaster relief work and funding occur through ongoing ministries. The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) enters into a disaster at the request of the resident bishop or church partner. The request may be for financial or material resources, technical assistance or volunteers.

When typical methods of disaster-response funding are inadequate, special area or conference emergency appeals are issued. Resident bishops may call for any emergency appeal in their annual conference when a disaster affects a specific part of the United States.

In situations where the emergency in question is of catastrophic proportions, a church-wide appeal may be issued. Special appeals are United Methodism’s way of putting “a muzzle on” whatever disaster—natural or human-caused—threatens the health and safety of God’s children.

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