HRD Sunday Email #1

Dear Church Leader:

A woman went to the Better Community Development, Inc. and was transformed into a vessel for Jesus. She had struggled with addiction for her entire life and was able to find recovery and Jesus within the beloved and supportive community at BCD. Now, she works as a faith leader in the community, working with women who have completed the in-patient program and preventing relapse by encouraging spiritual connection. The following is a quote from the faith leader taken from a story by Caroline Loftin, contributing writer from Theressa Hoover Memorial Church:

“When you strive to be the best version of you that you can be, you start to embrace who God created you to be because you start to get proud of yourself, and God truly shows he’s proud.”

The Better Community Development, Inc. is a beautiful example of a community listening to the needs and hearts of the people and responding with faith and love. With support from a Human Relations Day grant, the BCD is lifting up those in their community who need the heart of Jesus. This is just one example of how your congregation is impacting the world one person at a time through Special Sunday donations.

Human Relations Day is five weeks away and it is time to start planning. The official date is Sunday, January 14, 2024 – but remember you can celebrate when it best works for your congregation. Select your leadership team to organize and promote this special day that supports neighborhood ministries through Community Developers, United Methodist Voluntary Services and Youth Offender Rehabilitation Programs. Concerned about needing resources to inspire your congregation to support the ministry? 

Download the 2024 Human Relations Day pastor and leader kit that includes social media graphics, videos, an offering talk, bulletin inserts, children's resources and more.

Download and use the 2024 Special Sunday planning calendar to schedule your Special Sunday promotions. Feel free to adjust the planning calendar schedule to fit your congregation’s needs.

Pastor and leader kit core resources are available in French, Spanish and Korean.

Order your printed pew cards or Special Sunday envelopes online or call 1-800-991-6011 to place your order.

Announce the celebration date to your congregation as soon as possible.

Encourage your church to give to Human Relations Day at

Select the person(s) to lead the celebration.

Customize the announcement copy below to fit your needs and share it with members of your congregation. You may also publish this information on your social media platform(s), websites, newsletters and other media to your members.

Human Relations Day encourages United Methodists to recognize all of God’s children as human beings and foster relationships with one another. This special offering benefits neighborhood ministries through Community Developers, United Methodist Voluntary Services and Youth Offender Rehabilitation Programs.

Thank you for encouraging your congregation to support neighborhood ministries that affect change within vulnerable communities. 

The Connectional Giving Team

Below is suggested copy you can edit and use to announce Human Relations Day by email, in your newsletters, for classes or in your bulletin.


Email Title: Human Relations Day 2024 — Email #1

Subject: Support beloved community on January 14, 2024

Scripture: 1 Samuel 3:10: “Speak. Your servant is listening.” (CEB)

Pretext: Respond to the Prophetic Call on Human Relations Day

“Dear Friends,

There are many examples of how our gifts to the Human Relations Day offering are changing communities near and far.

Better Community Development, Inc. is providing a safe space for transformation from addiction to salvation. Community members are recovering and responding to the call to transform others for Jesus Christ.

Human Relations Day is five weeks away. Mark January 14, 2024 on your calendar as United Methodist congregations support communities through their gifts to the Human Relations Day offering.

Pray and seek God’s guidance to discern how you can support outreach to these communities.

Our gifts on Human Relations Day work together to empower faith-based volunteer programs, community developers and programs that work with at-risk teens.

Thank you for your generosity,

Yours in Christ,


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