January 07, 2024 Epiphany Sunday - Human Relations Day: Beloved Community

A Moment for Mission

When they saw the star, they were filled with joy. They entered the house and saw the child with Mary his mother. Falling to their knees, they honored him. Then they opened their treasure chests and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” — Matthew 2:10-11, CEB

The magi were descendants of the Babylonians, the oppressors who had once exiled the Hebrew people. These magi cross geographic, cultural and economic boundaries to bring gifts to the Christ child. They recognize that Jesus came for all people.

Jesus came to build beloved community that is inclusive even of these strangers from the East. The way of the Star Child always seeks to lead us back into reconciliation with God and one another.

Next Sunday, January 14, is Human Relations Day. You will have an opportunity to join in building up the beloved community with other United Methodists. A special offering is received the Sunday before Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday and contributes to building his vision of “the beloved community.”

The special offering benefits neighborhood ministries through Community Developers, community advocacy through United Methodist Voluntary Services and work with at-risk teens through the Youth Offender Rehabilitation Program.

Children’s Message

Share the story of the magi from Matthew 2:1-12 with the children.

An epiphany means a special and surprising moment when we discover something important. On this Epiphany Sunday, we learn about the magi, who had a great Epiphany! They followed a bright star and found baby Jesus. They gave Jesus three special gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Next week we will celebrate Human Relations Day. Just as the magi brought valuable gifts to show love and build a community around baby Jesus, we can also contribute to our community by showing love and understanding to others.

Our church will receive a special offering, gifts from the congregation, that will be shared with people who are working for a more fair and more loving world. Everyone’s contributions are essential for creating a community where everyone feels loved and valued.


God of epiphanies, thank you for crossing every boundary to connect your people in Christ. Thank you for the resources you send us to free us from the sin of racism and other injustices. Receive the gifts we present to you. As they join with gifts from other United Methodists, multiply and transform them into your vision of a beloved community. Amen.

Offertory Prayer: Discipleship Ministries

God of redemption and new life, we focus once more this day on the greatest gift ever given: Jesus, our Savior. As he was baptized by John in the Jordan, we were able to share in his baptism and receive the promise of sharing in Jesus’ resurrection. As we leave one year behind and look with hope to the new year ahead, help us to live and give of ourselves as those who know every day what a great gift we have been given. May it move us to give our whole selves more freely! In the name of Christ, our Savior and Redeemer, we pray! Amen. (Genesis 1:1-5; Mark 1:4-11)

Newsletter Nugget

“When they saw the star, they were filled with joy. They entered the house and saw the child with Mary his mother. Falling to their knees, they honored him. Then they opened their treasure chests and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” —Matthew 2:10-11, CEB

The magi were committed to the journey—wherever the star might lead. They set out to find a newborn King by following a star and ended up in finding a baby born to young, relatively poor parents! Not exactly what they expected and not exactly what befit their dignity as priests.

They also did what people in the East or in Africa or in India would do when visiting royalty. They brought gifts. Gold was the kind of gift that you brought to a king. Frankincense was the kind of gift that you would bring to a priest. Myrrh was given to someone who was about to die.

Next Sunday, January 14, is Human Relations Day. We will bring our gifts and join them with those of other United Methodists to build up the beloved community.

Star of wonder

Star of light

Star with royal beauty bright

Westward leading

Still proceeding

Guide us to thy perfect light.

Adapted from Discipleship Ministries

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