Sept. 24 – World Communion Sunday (Next Week)

A Moment for Mission

“Make my joy complete: be of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.” —Philippians 2:2, NRSVUE

On World Communion Sunday, we partner with other UMC congregations in a special offering to support young adults and make a global impact for Christ. Half of the offering benefits World Communion scholarships for graduate students from the U.S. and other countries. The remainder assists Ethnic Scholarships for U.S. and international undergraduate students in the U.S. and Ethnic In-Service Training. These funds are administered by the General Boards of Global Ministries and Higher Education.

As followers of Jesus, we are called to be part of restoring joy and hope in the world. Through our gifts and support, we are invited to partner with God to infuse Christ’s loving presence with our words and actions and through our support of young faithful leaders around the world.

By investing in the next generation, we can help build a brighter future for them, their communities and the world. When you give generously on World Communion Sunday, you partner with talented, qualified students from around the globe to transform the world as witnesses for Christ.

Children’s Message


  • Jenga® or other tower block set
  • a globe or world map
  • Communion elements

Stack the blocks as you read each line of the memory verse.

Please repeat after me today’s memory verse that Paul wrote to the church in Philippi 2:2 (NRSVUE):

“Make my joy complete:
be of the same mind,
having the same love,
being in full accord and of one mind.”

Have you ever built something big and strong and beautiful with blocks? How does it feel? (Allow the children to respond.)

It brings God joy when we help build the church to be big, strong and beautiful. (Add more blocks.) The church is more than just this building that was carefully constructed. (Add more blocks.) Each one of us adds to the strength of the church. (Ask each child to add a block.)

Next week we will celebrate World Communion Sunday when we remember that we are connected with Christians from all over the world (hold up map or globe) to make God’s church strong and beautiful everywhere. (Add more blocks.)

Back in the first century, Paul was happy when he heard about other Christians who were following Jesus and doing good things, but he also wanted their faith to be strong. Just like the building blocks need to fit together to make something solid and beautiful, Paul wanted the Christians to have everything they needed so that they could be as confident as possible in following Jesus. He wanted them to remember that being the church isn’t about each individual persons doing what they want but working together for the fullness of God’s love.

For more than 2,000 years, Holy Communion has united Christians in the love that God through Jesus has for us. When we share Holy Communion, we become a part of something strong and beautiful that spreads God’s love and joy to others.

Stack more blocks as you read each line of the memory verse.

Please repeat after me today’s memory verse that Paul wrote to the church in Philippi 2:2 (NRSVUE):

“Make my joy complete:
be of the same mind,
having the same love,
being in full accord and of one mind.”

Offertory Prayer (From Discipleship Ministries)


Newsletter Nugget

“Make my joy complete: be of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.” —Philippians 2:2, NRSVUE

Jorge Saiete, who grew up on the United Methodist Cambine Mission Station in the southern part of Mozambique, is working to complete a master of public education degree with the help of a World Communion Scholarship from Global Ministries.

Saiete explains: “I was born in 1980 during the civil war that lasted 16 years. When I was two years old, my father was killed, and the fighting destroyed all my family belongings, including house, cattle and farming areas. My early years of life were very difficult. My mom, who had to take care of her seven children alone, faced many challenges to feed and provide shelter, clothes and school fees. The war subjected my family to extreme poverty.”

With hard work and determination and help from his church in Cambine, he made it through primary and secondary school and went on to college. Instead of dwelling on his losses, he determined to study the causes and events of the civil war and work in his professional life to prevent such a destructive course of action from happening again.

Saiete said. “By pursuing this degree, I believe that I will acquire useful tools that I can use in promoting good governance, which is critical for peacebuilding in Mozambique.”

Your gifts on World Communion Sunday benefit World Communion scholarships for graduate students from the U.S. and other countries and support Ethnic Scholarships for U.S. and international undergraduate students in the U.S. and Ethnic In-Service Training. These funds are administered by the United Methodist General Boards of Global Ministries and Higher Education to equip gifted, qualified students from around the globe to become the world changers God created them to be.

How to give:

Write a check to your local church and write “World Communion Sunday” in the memo line. To give online or set up monthly giving, go to

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