August 06 – Mens Ministry Sunday

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A Moment for Mission

“He ordered the crowds to sit down on the grass. He took the five loaves of bread and the two fish, looked up to heaven, blessed them and broke the loaves apart and gave them to his disciples. Then the disciples gave them to the crowds.” —Matthew 14:19, CEB

Observed annually on a date designated by each congregation, Men’s Ministry Sunday celebrates the ways that men’s ministries offer spiritual nourishment to the congregation and the community beyond the local church. The observance includes organized United Methodist Men units; men’s Emmaus reunion communities, work teams, prayer groups, Bible study and enrichment groups; and other places and organizations where men of The United Methodist Church join for fellowship, nurture, spiritual development, witness and outreach. Like the loaves and fish that the disciples shared with thousands of people, men’s ministries multiply and grow to share the good news of Jesus’s love for all people.

This prayer comes from an order of worship for Men’s Ministry Sunday:

God of our grandfathers, God of our fathers, God of our uncles, God of our brothers, we praise you for the rich heritage we have as men and boys. We are grateful to be counted among the tradition of faithful men and boys you have used to do your bidding since the dawn of time. We count it a privilege to be included among such saints as Abraham, Moses, Joshua, David, Joseph, Peter and Paul. We are humbled to be considered in the same company of men through the ages that you have used to proclaim your Kingdom truths. Men such as John and Charles Wesley, Philip Otterbein, Jacob Albright, Francis Asbury, Thomas Coke, Harry Hosier and __________________ ___________________________________ (place one or two local UMMen saints here).

Eternal God, today we celebrate the ministry of men. We realize that it is the responsibility of every man to conform to the image of God as expressed in Jesus Christ. Our celebration today is in recognition of that goal for every man and boy of this congregation. We acknowledge that we may only obtain this goal to the degree we are willing to submit ourselves under your Lordship.

Strengthen our resolve, instill in us your confidence, and empower us to be the old men, young men and boys you created us to be through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.

Learn more about the General Commission on United Methodist Men.

Children’s Message

Even when Jesus tried to be by himself in remote places, crowds of people followed him. One day, Jesus and his followers were gathered far from the town and thousands of people were starting to get hungry. Jesus had a plan. He said to his disciples, “You give them something to eat.” (Matt 14:16, CEB).

The disciples were surprised and confused. They didn’t have much—only five loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus took those small offerings, looked up to heaven, and blessed them. Then he broke the bread and handed it to his disciples who shared it with the thousands of people who had gathered. Everyone had enough to eat and there were twelve baskets full of leftovers.

Today we are celebrating a group in our church called the United Methodist Men. This group has a special ministry of sharing and caring. They follow the example of Jesus by helping those in need, being a friend to others, and spreading God’s love in their communities.

They remind us that we can make a difference in the lives of others, no matter how big or small our contributions may seem. Whether it’s sharing a smile, lending a helping hand, or giving our time and resources, we can show God’s love to those around us.

God can do miraculous things through us. We can be like the disciples and the United Methodist Men, bringing joy, hope, and nourishment to those who need it.

Offertory Prayer (From Discipleship Ministries, adapted)

God of power and glory, as we bring our tithes and offerings to be dedicated to the building of your kingdom here on earth, we are reminded of all the blessings we have received. Remind us that the best blessings come when we are working for justice, compassion, and mercy for all your children. In Christ, we pray. Amen.

Newsletter Nugget

Men’s Ministry Sunday celebrates men’s ministry within and beyond the local church. The observance includes organized United Methodist Men units; men’s Emmaus reunion communities, work teams, prayer groups, Bible study and enrichment groups; and other places and organizations where men of The United Methodist Church join for fellowship, nurture, spiritual development, witness and outreach.

Why is men’s ministry important?

  • Men lead others best by modeling Jesus Christ in thoughts, words and deeds.
  • Spiritual maturity is signified in spiritual reproduction, as the faith of mature disciples passes on in others.
  • Men growing in Christ become effective spiritual leaders in their homes and congregations, working as partners with their spouses and congregational leaders—both lay and clergy.
  • Spiritually growing men help congregations to become vital and alive.
  • Everything desired from and through men comes as a result of men growing spiritually and maturing as disciples: family blessings, stewardship, service, outreach, prayer, spiritual leadership, lifestyle evangelism and faithful obedience. Men are foundational to the life and health of the church.
  • When a man lives daily in surrendered faith, God is honored and many lives are blessed. Transformed hearts are forged only within Christ-centered lives—nothing less is our acceptable offering; nothing less truly reveals Christ.


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