WCS 2023: Email #1

Dear Church Leader,

Last year, four congregations and a nonprofit organization joined with Hillcrest UMC in Nashville, Tennessee, to celebrate World Communion Sunday. The Festival of Nations worship and fellowship service represented four continents that speak more than five languages.

“Each one of these ministries is doing amazing work and is allowing all of us to be part of something greater than what we could do individually,” said the Rev. David Ssebulime, lead pastor of Hillcrest United Methodist Church. “We have not yet seen or even imagined what is possible when we unite God’s people,” continued Ssebulime. The gathering helped the worshipers experience God’s grace and joy.

World Communion Sunday is October 1, 2023 (but you may celebrate on a date that works best for your congregation).

It is time to plan this year’s World Communion Sunday celebration. The 2023 theme is God’s Promise of Joy. As Jesus shared communion with his disciples, likewise, we should share this sacrament and fulfill the command that Jesus gave to us. Imagine the excitement that a student feels when they receive a scholarship from the World Communion Sunday offering that you and other United Methodists have given to in support of their education.

Our team created resources to make your planning easier and to motivate your congregation to participate in the celebration:

  • select the person(s) that you would like to lead the celebration;
  • download the 2023 World Communion Sunday pastor and leader kit; the kit includes social media graphics, videos, an offering talk, bulletin inserts, children’s resources and more;
  • use the 2022-2023 Special Sundays planning calendar located in the kit to schedule your promotion efforts. Feel free to adjust the planning calendar to fit your congregation’s needs;
  • pastor and leader kit resources are also available in French, Spanish and Korean: sermon starter, social media graphics, children’s resources and more;
  • click hereto order your printed offering envelopes or call 1-800-991-6011 to place your order;
  • announce the celebration date to your congregation as soon as possible;
  • share information about how your members can give to World Communion Sunday offering:
  • give through our church’s online giving portal or set up monthly giving at umcgiving.org/WCS,
  • write a check to your local church and designate “WCS” in the memo line and place it in the offering plate, or
  • give a cash offering in the offering plate;
  • thank your members for their generosity;
  • plan to send the offering to your annual conference treasurer;
  • customize the announcement copy and reminder below to fit your needs and share it with members of your congregation. You may publish this information on your social media platform(s), websites, newsletters and other media your members use. Ask your youth to help by sharing the information on their platforms. This a great way to get your youth to be more involved in your ministry.

World Communion Sunday observance focuses the attention of United Methodists on the universal and inclusive nature of the church. Gifts to the World Communion Sunday offering equip students to transform the world.

Thank you for your support,




2023 WCS Email #1

“Email Subject: Get ready to celebrate World Communion Sunday on October 1, 2023!

Scripture: “Make my joy complete: be of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.” (Philippians 2:2, NRSV)

Pretext: Restore Joy on World Communion Sunday—October 1, 2023!

Dear Friends,

Some of you will recall a time when you were a student and needed scholarships to help you complete your education. On World Communion Sunday, in addition to receiving the sacraments, receive an offering that supports racial-ethnic United Methodist students with scholarships and grants for continuing education training. Our gifts to the World Communion Sunday offering will equip students to transform their communities around the world.

World Communion Sunday is in three weeks—October 1, 2023. In 2022, our gifts, combined with gifts from other United Methodist churches, totaled $457,406. The World Communion Sunday offering continues a legacy of educating students in a wide variety of careers that change lives. Your support is very important to the success of this ministry. Please prepare to support these students with a generous offering.

Thank you for your generosity.



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