PWJS Email #3

Dear Church Leader,

Your congregation’s gifts to Peace with Justice Sunday help give access to people without adequate jobs, housing, education, food, healthcare, income support, clean water and more. In addition, your gifts help peace with justice advocates work to dismantle structures and systems that reflect economic exploitation, war, political oppression and cultural domination.

Peace with Justice Sunday is this Sunday—June 4, 2023. Our team is pleased to provide resources that make your celebration more meaningful and inspiring to implement. Share these resources with your leaders and encourage them to use them in their presentations:

  • Utilize the PWJS Mission Moments and More vignette to explain how your gifts change lives. Share the scripture reading and offertory prayer with the congregation or use the Offering Talk provided in the Pastor and Leader Kit to introduce the offering;
  • Encourage your speaker to emphasize ideas from the Sermon Starter and print and place the mini poster in a prominent place to engage your members;
  • Ask your greeters to share the Bulletin Insert with congregants as they enter the sanctuary;
  • Use the liturgy during worship so it will engage participants in the service;
  • Encourage members to pray for the success of Peace with Justice ministries:
    • Pray for annual conference PWJ coordinators. Contact your annual conference for the names of your coordinator; and
    • Pray for the Peace with Justice staff at the General Board of Church and Society and for the local and global work that they do.
  • Post Social Media Graphics on your social media platform to inspire members and visitors to participate in the celebration;
  • Share the offering received and thank the congregation for their generosity;
  • Prepare to send the offering to your annual conference treasurer; and
  • Customize the reminder copy below and use it on your social media platforms to remind church members about this Sunday’s PWJS celebration.

Donations to Peace with Justice Sunday support local grants implemented through your annual conference and justice activities that are focused on education and advocation. A portion of the offering is administered by the General Board of Church and Society. When your congregation gives to the PWJS offering, you change the lives of persons who navigate one roadblock after another to attain peace with justice. 

Thank you for leading your congregation in this ministry,




2023 PWJS Reminder Email #3

Email Subject: Give justice to the weak, the fatherless, the afflicted and the destitute on PWJS, June 4, 2023

Scripture: Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute.” —Psalm 82:3, ESV

Pretext: Give generously this Sunday, June 4, to the Peace with Justice Offering.

“Dear Friends,

This Sunday, June 4, we have the opportunity to “give justice to the weak and…maintain the right of the afflicted.” We are looking forward to a great celebration on Sunday.

Because of your prayers and generosity, you change the lives of those who are impacted by initiatives like,

  • The Bellevue Heights UMC in Syracuse, New York, Young Adult Skill Building initiative that empowered 19-to-30-year-olds with life and citizenship skills—resume writing and job searching, cooking and shopping on a budget and goal-setting and self-care—and hope to see them turn around and pay it forward by mentoring the next group of participants.
  • The training that helped participants learn the importance of discerning problems, doing social analysis, touring the community, building relationships with neighbors and engaging in public policy discussions through the Upper New York Annual Conference.

Thank you for giving generously to the Peace with Justice Sunday offering this Sunday. We appreciate your support and prayers for this ministry.





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