PWJS Email #1

Dear Church Leader,

When your congregation celebrates Peace with Justice Sunday (PWJS), you assist United Methodists to:

Restore communities and respond to the disproportionate effect of injustices on racial and ethnic persons,

help end conflicts and violent aggression around the world and promote just national and international policies and actions, and

support policies that promote systemic economic justice, the self-development of people and so much more.


Peace with Justice Sunday will be here in three weeks—June 4, 2023. However, you may celebrate on a day that is suitable for your congregation. Begin to create your plans now to celebrate strides made for justice as we partner with congregations in The United Methodist Church. 

Select the person(s) whom you would like to lead the PWJS celebration.

Share this letter with the team, and ask them to:

Download the 2023 Peace with Justice Sunday pastor and leader kit that includes social media graphics, videos, an offering talk, bulletin inserts, children’s resources, and other resources that will help your leaders inspire your congregation to support justice efforts;

Use the 2022-2023 Special Sundays planning calendar located in the kit to schedule your Special Sunday promotions. Feel free to adjust the planning calendar to fit your congregation’s needs;

Remember that pastor and leader kit resources are also available in French, Spanish and Korean—sermon starter, social media graphics, children’s resources, and more;

Click here to order yourprinted offering envelopes or call 1-800-991-6011 to place your order;

Share the General Board of Church and Society overview video that features the Rev. Dr. Susan Henry-Crowe. This video will assist your leaders to understand more about Peace with Justice Sunday ministry;

Announce the celebration date to your congregation as soon as possible;

Share information about how your members can give to Peace with Justice Sunday offering by:

giving through your church’s online giving portal at ________; designate “PWJS offering,”

writing a check to our local church and designate “PWJS” in the memo line and place it in the offering plate,

placing a cash offering in the offering plate, or

giving online or set up monthly giving at;

Thank your members for their generosity;

Plan to send the offering to your annual conference treasurer; and

Customize the announcement copy and reminder below to fit your needs and share it with members of your congregation. You may publish this information on your social media platform(s), websites, newsletters and other media your members use. Solicit the help of your youth and ask them to help you share the information on their platforms. This is a great way to get your youth more involved in your ministry.  

Gifts from your congregations to the Peace with Justice Sunday offering support PWJS ministries in your annual conference and Peace with Justice work done through the General Board of Church and Society. Thank you for leading your congregation to support this very important ministry of the church.

We join with your congregation as you strive to equip The United Methodist Church to support justice in Jesus’s name.

Thank you for your leadership,




2023 PWJS Email #1:




Email Subject: Celebrate Peace with Justice Sunday on June 4, 2023!

Scripture:  “Blessed are they who observe justice, who do righteousness at all times!” —Psalm 106:3, ESV

Pretext: Peace with Justice Sunday is June 4, 2023. Make plans to celebrate justice!

“Dear Friends,

This year’s Peace with Justice Sunday (PWJS) celebration will be held on June 4, 2023. It’s three weeks away. I encourage you to be with us as we celebrate this important ministry. Thank you for giving to PWJS Sunday.

Your gifts to Peace with Justice Sunday help annual conferences and the General Board of Church and Society work on systemic justice issues with organizations like:

  • Allen UMC’s Shutting Down the School to Prison Pipeline initiative, in St. Petersburg, Florida, which fueled the church’s efforts to end the school-to-prison pipeline through training, community events, one-to-one training for leaders, team meetings and justice workshops.
  • Wesley Foundation’s Sankofa Initiative, in Kalamazoo, Michigan, which supported a year-long initiative to become a more inclusive organization through educational events, collaboration, trips and workshops.
  • Election Management Project in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, which helped train clergy to monitor and observe the election process to ensure fair and peaceful balloting, equip pastors to understand the election process and handle political differences.
  • Why Water Matters Summit in Mt. Vernon, Illinois, which held a summit to discuss global health and the right to clean water that included speakers from Native American leadership.

Peace with Justice Sunday enables The United Methodist Church to have a voice in advocating for peace and justice through a broad spectrum of national and global programs. The special offering benefits peace with justice ministries in your annual conference and through the General Board of Church and Society.

Your participation in Peace with Justice Sunday helps to transform the world.

Thank you for your generosity,



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