Email Subject: Peace with Justice Sunday is five weeks away
Scripture: “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” — Micah 6:8, ESV
Pretext: Do justice. Love Kindness. Walk humbly with God. Peace with Justice Sunday is June 12, 2022.
Dear Church Leader,
Thank you for leading your congregation to celebrate Peace with Justice Sunday (PWJS). Your faithfulness is a blessing to many who suffer injustice. Peace with Justice Sunday is June 12, 2022; that’s only five weeks away! Save the date and begin your celebration plans now! (We encourage you to celebrate on a date that works best for your congregation.)
Download your Peace with Justice Sunday resources below and enhance your celebration plans.
- Secure the Peace with Justice Sunday Pastor and Leader’s Kit and social media graphics, videos, offering talk, bulletin inserts and other resources.
- Use the 2022 Special Sundays planning calendar located in your Pastor and Leader’s Kit to implement your promotion schedule (see pages 12-15). Feel free to adjust the planning calendar schedule to fit your congregation’s schedule.
- Pastor and Leader’s Kit resources are available in French, Spanish and Korean: sermon starter, bulletin insert, offering talk, liturgy, poster, and social graphics.
- Select the person(s) to lead the celebration:
- Include church and society, justice ministry and mission person(s) from your church council or equivalent role to support or lead the celebration.
- Consider inviting your annual conference Peace with Justice coordinator, church and society chair or justice ministries leader to speak at your celebration. If in-person fellowship is not convenient, you may ask the coordinator or justice ministries leader to present by way of Zoom, Facebook, or some other media. They may also record a short video with a message to your congregation. Find the list of annual conference PWJS coordinators at this link.
- Announce the celebration date to your congregation. Customize or use the information below to inform your congregation about your Peace with Justice Sunday celebration. Publish this information on your social media channels, websites, newsletters, etc. to your members.
Announcement copy
“Peace with Justice Sunday is June 12, 2022. We encourage you to save the date and be prepared to celebrate this important Special Sunday. The United Methodist Peace with Justice program supports ministries with those who suffer injustice. While our congregation would be unable to support every justice ministry, our connection with other United Methodist congregations allows us to do so much more than we can do alone. In 2021, our church gave $_____________ to Peace with Justice Sunday offering. When you give to Peace with Justice, your gifts support ministries of reconciliation.
Thank you for your generosity,
Your gifts on Peace with Justice Sunday enable The United Methodist Church to have a voice in advocating for peace with justice through a broad spectrum of global programs. Give generously on Peace with Justice Sunday.
Thank you for your generous giving,
The Connectional Giving Team