NAMS 2022: Communication #1

Email Title: 2022 NAMS Email #1

Email Subject: Native American Ministries Sunday is May 1, 2022


“To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!” —Rev. 5:13b, NIV

Pretext: Celebrate the gifts and contributions of Native Americans on May 1, 2022.

Dear Church Leader:

“For hundreds of years, Native Americans, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians, compelled by the gospel have chosen to become disciples of Jesus Christ. In doing so, we have affirmed that relationship with God and our brothers and sisters is contained in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We bear witness to the mercy of God through our faith, continuing in discipleship and ministry.”*

Native American Ministries Sunday is five weeks away. Celebrated on May 1, 2022 (or on a day that is convenient for your congregation), this Special Sunday honors the gifts and contributions of Native Americans. It’s time to prepare for this important Special Sunday in the life of The United Methodist Church. As you prepare for your celebration, you may wish to use the following steps as a guideline:

  • Secure the Native American Ministries Sunday Pastor and Leader’s Kit and social media graphics, videos, offering talk, bulletin inserts and other resources.
  • Use the 2022 Special Sundays planning calendar located in your Pastor and Leader’s kit to implement the promotion schedule. Feel free to adjust the planning calendar schedule to fit your congregation’s needs.
  • Pastor and Leader’s kit resources are also available in French, Spanish and Korean. The kit includes sermon starter, bulletin insert, offering talk, liturgy, poster, and social media graphics.
  • Click here to order your printed pew card and printed offering envelopes or call 1-800-991-6011 to place your order.
  • Place the pew card and offering envelope in a visible area so members and visitors can access them before the Native American Ministries Sunday celebration.
  • Contact your annual conference to invite a Committee on Native American Ministries (CONAM) leader to speak at your church.
  • Select members from the congregation to help lead the celebration efforts.
  • Announce the Native American Ministries celebration date to your congregation in time for congregants to make plans to participate in the celebration.
  • Share your online giving information with your congregation or encourage your church to give to the Native American Ministries Sunday offering at
  • You may customize the announcement copy below to fit your needs. Publish this information to your members on your social media platform, websites, newsletters and other media.


“Native American Ministries Sunday is May 1, 2022. Mark your calendars and prepare to celebrate the gifts and contributions of Native Americans. Last year, churchwide gifts to Native American ministries totaled $351,513. Your gifts provide scholarships for Native American seminary students and support grassroot work within Native American churches and Native American outreach ministries in annual conferences.

Thank you for your faithful and generous support of Native American Ministries.”


The Connectional Giving Team,

* “Native People and The United Methodist Church,” 2016 Book of Resolutions, #3321,


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