Special Sunday Communications | Human Relations Day 01
Subject: Human Relations Day is five weeks away—January 16, 2022
Scripture: “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people.” —Galatians 6:10, NIV
Pretext: Use your unique spiritual gifts for the common good on January 16, 2022
Dear Church Leader:
In a social justice commentary, the Rev. I. Malik Saafir highlights two questions before The United Methodist Church: “Will those on the side of the road know us as the church that passed by on the other side? Or will they know us as the church that provides outreach programs that take the risk to heal their wounds?”
Human Relations Day is five weeks away—January 16, 2022. Celebrated on the Sunday before the national observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday (or on a date that is convenient for your congregation), Human Relations Day is a time to highlight the social justice commitment of The United Methodist Church and to partner in supporting outreach to underserved communities in the United States.
Tap persons from the church council or equivalent, church and society and religion and race work areas to help plan the celebration. The free resources listed below are provided to help your team outline your time of fellowship and worship. Encourage your planning team to use the resources below.
- Download the Human Relations Day Pastors’ and Leaders’ Kit and social media graphics, videos, offering talk, bulletin inserts and other resources.
- Use the 2022 Special Sundays planning calendar located in your Pastors’ and Leaders’ Kit to implement your promotion schedule. Feel free to adjust the planning calendar schedule to fit your congregation’s schedule.
- Pastors’ and Leaders’ Kit resources are also available in French, Spanish and Korean: sermon starter, bulletin insert, offering talk, liturgy, poster and social media graphics.
- Click here to order your printed offering envelopes or call 1-800-991-6011 to place your order.
- Order pew cards and envelopes and place them in high traffic locations for members and visitors to see and read, share, or keep as a reminder.
- Select the person(s) to lead the celebration.
- Announce the celebration date to your congregation as soon as possible.
- Encourage your church to give to Human Relations Day at UMC.org/SSGive.
- You may customize the announcement copy below to fit your needs. Publish this information on your social media platform, websites, newsletters and other media to your members.
Dear Friends,
Thank you for your faithful giving to Human Relations Day. In 2020, gifts to Human Relations Day offering totaled $211,850. Your support has changed the lives of persons in underserved communities, supported and promoted ministries that respond to nonviolent youth offenders and community advocacy. We are grateful for your generosity.
Human Relations Day is weeks away. Our celebration will be held on January 16, 2022. Make plans to participate in this churchwide celebration with our United Methodist brothers and sisters in Christ.
Thank You.
Gifts to Human Relations Day support the Community Developers and community advocacy through the United Methodist Voluntary Services administered through the General Board of Global Ministries and support at-risk youth through the Youth Offender Rehabilitation Program administered by the General Board of Church and Society.
Thank you for your generosity.
Connectional Giving Team