Special Sunday Communication 03 | UMCOR Sunday 2021
Give generously on UMCOR Sunday!
Scripture: “We are God’s accomplishment, created in Christ Jesus to do good things.” (Ephesians 2:10 CEB).
UMCOR Sunday celebration is this Sunday—March 14, 2021
Dear Church Leader:
We hope you are adding the finishing touches to your church’s UMCOR Sunday celebration this Sunday.
Your gifts on UMCOR Sunday allow our staff to respond quickly and appropriately when disaster strikes, in the United States or around the globe.
Here are some additional ideas to support your celebration on March 14.
- If your church has online giving, communicate your online giving instructions to the congregation or encourage your members to give on UMCOR Sunday at UMC.org/SSGive.
- Present a mission story from UMCOR Sunday’s Mission Moment and More (includes a vignette about an offering recipient, scripture reading, and offertory prayer) or use the Offering Talk provided in the Pastor and Leader Kit as an introduction to receiving the offering.
- Publish the Liturgy ahead of your service so that members can follow along as you read the liturgy during worship.
- Remind those speaking about UMCOR to emphasize ideas from the Sermon Starter.
- Publish the total offering received on UMCOR Sunday and thank the congregation for their generous gifts.
- Promptly send the offering to your annual conference treasurer, who will then send it on to UMCOR.
Your gifts on UMCOR Sunday help lay the foundation for the United Methodist Committee on Relief to share God’s love with communities everywhere. Your gifts help UMCOR to keep the promise that 100 percent of any gift given to a specific UMCOR project will go toward that project, not administrative costs. When you give generously on UMCOR Sunday, you make a difference in the lives of people who suffer.
Thank you for your faithful giving to the UMCOR Sunday offering.
Connectional Giving Team