PWJS 2021: Communications #3

Email Title: Special Sunday Communication 03 | Peace with Justice Sunday 2021

Preview Text: 2021 PWJS Email #3: PWJS is 5 days away.

Scripture: “Blessed are those who act justly, who always do what is right.” —Psalm 106:3, NIV

Subject/Header of Body: Peace with Justice Sunday is this Sunday—May 30, 2021.

Dear ___________,            

On May 30, 2021, United Methodists will gather in solidarity to celebrate this awesome Special Sunday with offering that supports peace-building efforts. Your gifts provide grants to Peace with Justice projects in annual conferences and support the United States and global PWJS projects through the General Board of Church and Society.

This year’s Peace with Justice Sunday celebration is a few days away. We encourage you to make that “final” check in with your team to ensure all your plans are taking shape for Sunday’s celebration. We created some easy-to-use resources that your team can use this Sunday. Download the Peace with Justice resources today.

Pastor Kit resources are available in French, Spanish, and Korean, and include pew cards, sermon starter, bulletin insert, offering talk, liturgy, poster and social graphics.

  • If your church has online giving, communicate your online giving information to the congregation or give online at 
  • Share the total offering received on Peace with Justice Sunday with your congregation and thank them for their generous gifts.
  • Send the offering to your annual conference treasurer.

Pastor, thank you for empowering your congregation to celebrate Peace with Justice Sunday. Your leadership enables The United Methodist Church to do peace-building work. Thank you.

Thank you!
Connectional Giving Team

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