340 |
A Petition From the Commission on Religion and Race for a Declaratory Decision on the Constitutionality of the Plan of Merger of the North Georgia Annual Conference and the Georgia Annual Conference of the Southeastern Jurisdiction of The United Methodist Church. |
April 23, 1971 |
Decision |
339 |
Request of the College of Bishops, North Central Jurisdiction, for a Declaratory Decision Concerning the Constitutionality, Meaning, Application and Effect of Paragraph 665.1 of the Discipline as Amended by the 1970 General Conference and Related Questions Arising in a Proposed Restructuring of the Central Illinois Annual Conference. |
April 23, 1971 |
Decision |
338 |
Rights of a Minority of a Central Conference to Invoke a Right of Appeal to the Judicial Council Under Paragraph 1708 |
April 23, 1971 |
Decision |
337 |
Request of College of Bishops, North Central Jurisdiction, for a Declaratory Decision Regarding the Application of Paragraph 307 of the Discipline to the Ministerial Classification of Mr. Foster Stone of South Indiana Conference. |
April 22, 1971 |
Decision |
336 |
Petitions of Gulf Coast and Texas Annual Conferences to Withdraw Petitions Relative to Plan of Merger. |
April 22, 1971 |
Memorandum |
335 |
Petition of Calvin C. Master and Thirty-five Other Members of the Southern Asia Central Conference of The United Methodist Church Appealing as Unconstitutional Certain Actions of an Extra Session of Said Conference Relating to a Plan of Union for the Church of North India Recommended by COSMOS to the 1968 General Conference and Approved by That Body. |
October 30, 1970 |
Memorandum |
333 |
Request from the Commission on Entertainment and Program for Clarification and Interpretation of Certain Constitutional and Disciplinary Provisions Relating to the Qualification and Election of Delegates to the 1972 General Conference. |
October 30, 1970 |
Decision |
334 |
Status of an Annual Conference Audit of Its Treasurer's Books During the Transition from One Fiscal Year Period to Another. |
October 29, 1970 |
Decision |
332 |
Ruling by Bishop W. Kenneth Goodson Regarding Annual Conference Authority to Direct That a Service Charge of 2% Be Imposed Upon Funds Received by Its Conference Treasurer from Local Churches for Conference Benevolences. |
October 29, 1970 |
Decision |
331 |
Request of Virginia Annual Conference for a Declaratory Decision on the Application of Paragraphs 501-508 of the 1968 Discipline to Prior Certification and Consecration of Directors of Christian Education and Directors of Music. |
October 28, 1970 |
Decision |
330 |
Meaning and Application of Paragraph 20 of the Constitution. |
April 23, 1970 |
Decision |
329 |
A Petition from the South Carolina Annual Conference for a Declaratory Decision on the Meaning, Application, and Effect of Paragraphs 352.1 and 391.6 as They Relate to Special Appointments to Non-United Methodist Agencies. |
April 18, 1970 |
Decision |