Summer is upon us! Though we enter into what the Church calls "Ordinary Time," we are aware that we live in extraordinary times that require flexibility, playfulness, and kindness.

Special thanks to Westminster John Knox Press, Elizabeth F. Caldwell and Carol A. Wehrheim, editors for permission to use stories from Growing in God's Love: A Story Bible for the videos. You can purchase your own copy from: Cokesbury, Amazon or Westminster John Knox.
That's what we hope this resource is for you - flexible curriculum that ignites a playful spirit as we practice kindness. We've included six sections that help us understand kindness better. Each section contains five parts: Hear, Wonder, Pray, Play, Act. You can hear the Bible story adapted from Growing in God's Love (or read it yourself), wonder together about the story, offer a short prayer, play a fun game or activity, and then choose an act of kindness (or a few) from the Bingo Sheet! Who can get BINGO first?!
Grownups can use this in day-to-day activities with children and youth of all ages. Use all six sections in one week, a month, or all summer long - it's up to you! Choose which parts bring you and your loved ones joy; if that's just the Bible stories, that's great! If it's the Bingo Sheet, go for it! Hear us - whatever you do, during these extraordinary times, it is good and enough!
See more resources, such as suggestions for children's books, music, and videos, by following this link.
This sheet of Bingo! is used throughout the resource:
Summer of Kindness: Sharing God's Love is a resource produced in collaboration with the Rio Texas, Great Plains, and Michigan Annual Conferences. You can contact the creators below.
Rev. Tanya Campen, Rio Texas
Rev. Melissa Gepford , Great Plains
Rev. Christy Miller-White, Michigan
Rev. Kathy Pittenger, Michigan