Sept. 10 – World Service Fund (focus on General Commission on Communication)

Moment for Mission

"See, I have longed for your precepts; in your righteousness give me life." — Psalm 119:40, NRSV

In The United Methodist Church, our mission is to make disciples for the transformation of the world. The question is, how do we accomplish this? One essential way is communication. But that begs another question: How do we communicate in ways that engage, inform and inspire? 

The General Commission on Communication (United Methodist Communications) is tasked with meeting the communications, public relations and marketing needs of The United Methodist Church. Its vision is to bring the story of the redemptive grace of God to a hurt and broken world.

This work is made possible through our generous giving to our World Service Fund apportionments. 

The use of technology plays a role in United Methodist Communications' work, helping The United Methodist Church communicate the Gospel in our 21st-century world through the production of videos, strategic use of the internet and other digital means. The agency also keeps members and leaders informed of church news and educates the church on the impact of gifts received from special offerings and apportionments. 

In its work of informing the church and sharing the Gospel, United Methodist Communications strives to communicate in creative ways with integrity and respect, empower the church to live out its calling, and support the church in fulfilling the mission of making disciples for the transformation of the world. 

Offertory Prayer

God of Grace and Love, we give thanks that we have been able to receive your redemptive message. We lift up all those who still need to hear the good news. Plant within us seeds of generosity that we might give so that others can experience your grace and love. Amen. 

From Discipleship Ministries: Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost – Holy God, we praise you for the life you give to each person you dearly love. As we face the mysteries of sin and tragedy, give us wisdom to view them in the light of the cross. We praise you for your redeeming love for the world. Help us to wear the armor of Christ and turn aside from wasteful things, so that we may live according to your way. We dedicate these offerings and ourselves to your service. We pray in the name of Christ, through whose self-giving love you have conquered death forever. Amen. (Psalm 119:33-40, Romans 13:8-14)

Newsletter Nugget

The General Commission on Communication (United Methodist Communications) is an agency of The United Methodist Church supported by our apportionments to the World Service Fund.

This United Methodist agency is charged with the work of communications, public relations and marketing for the church. In addition to providing communication that engages, informs and inspires those inside and outside the church, United Methodist Communications also is involved in global communication. During the Ebola crisis, the agency helped provide lifesaving information and messages of encouragement with radios and frontline SMS text messaging, a free text messaging system. Through a joint project with United Methodist Discipleship Ministries and the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, United Methodist Communications has been able to help make possible theological education for church leaders in the Democratic Republic of Congo through a project that makes e-readers available for students at Kindu Methodist University.

Initiatives like these and many others are possible through our support of the important work of United Methodist Communications. 

United Methodist Communications is an agency of The United Methodist Church

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