Promoting UMCOR Sunday: Last-minute ideas

Volunteers load a truck at the offices of the United Methodist Committee on Relief in Manila with relief supplies for survivors of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. Photo by Mike DuBose, UMNS.
Volunteers load a truck at the offices of the United Methodist Committee on Relief in Manila with relief supplies for survivors of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. Photo by Mike DuBose, UMNS.

Sunday, March 31 is UMCOR Sunday. Across the world, United Methodist congregations will give special offerings to support the administrative costs of the United Methodist Committee on Relief. The gifts will allow the church’s humanitarian agency to continue its mission to act as the arms and feet of Christ in the world.

UMCOR provides humanitarian relief in the aftermath of disasters or crises such as hurricanes, earthquakes and flooding. It also pursues sustainable development to support local communities and seeks to foster abundant global health.

While the special Sunday is fast approaching, downloadable resources in UMCOR Sunday Pastor and Leaders Kit will let you promote UMCOR Sunday this week:

  1. Post social media graphics to the church Facebook and/or Twitter page. Use the hashtag #UMCORSunday.
  2. Make an announcement and hand out printed materials at weekly fellowship events (midweek dinners, Bible studies, choir practice, etc.).
  3. Share and post videos highlighting the positive impact of UMCOR’s ministry on the church website.
  4. Post an announcement through non-digital media (church marquee, print newsletter, direct mail, etc.)
  5. Encourage classes or small groups to put together UMCOR relief kits and bring them on Sunday. Use these as visuals to remind congregants about the essential work of UMCOR.

Here are a few suggestions for celebrating UMCOR Sunday during worship using resources from the kit:

  1. Print the 2019 bulletin inserts or other materials to distribute to members and visitors at the door.
  2. If the church utilizes AV projection or similar technology in worship, have the 2019 UMCOR Poster or other related graphics on display as people enter and at appropriate times during the service.
  3. Share video(s) on UMCOR’s vital work across the globe as part of the worship service.
  4. Use the worship resources in the leader kits. Included are a suggested litany, children’s worship materials and a sermon starter for pastors.
  5. Remind the congregants why the offering is necessary. UMCOR does not receive apportioned funds, and 100 per cent all gifts and donations to specific campaigns/projects go directly to those causes. UMCOR Sunday makes the direct relief work possible.

Supporting UMCOR is one of the many ways United Methodists respond to God’s call to offer love, hope and healing to all God’s children.

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