Mission Moment
"Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for me." — Psalm 66:16, NRSV
The General Board of Global Ministries' function is to connect The United Methodist Church in mission. There are many ways — big and small, local and global — that Global Ministries is working to fulfill its mission of making disciples, developing and renewing congregations, alleviating human suffering and seeking justice, freedom and peace.
The work of GBGM spans the globe. This vital agency is constantly working to keep The United Methodist Church reaching out, whether that is through the disaster relief of the United Methodist Committee on Relief, through missionaries working to provide medical care in underserved communities, or through initiatives like the one to stamp out malaria.
The work of the General Board of Global Ministries is a response to the call of Jesus to "go into all nations." It is a response to Jesus' command to "love one another." It is the work of love in action and it is possible because we are doing this work together.
Some use their hands and feet and voices, while others use their resources. All of us are connected by the work we are doing together by paying our apportionments to the World Service Fund. Our gifts could make the difference in the life of someone who is suffering, whether that is a victim of disaster, a child who is hungry, or someone else who needs our help.
Offertory Prayer
God of love, we thank you for all you have done for us. Move us to love and serve our neighbors near and far. Inspire us to tell others about what you have done for us and for them. Give us courage to give generously that we, your church, may become a part of what you are doing in the world. Amen.
From Discipleship Ministries: Sixth Sunday of Easter (Heritage Sunday) – Gracious God, you are the Lord of heaven and earth. You sent Christ your Son to fully reveal your abundant and deep love for all you have created. We long to be more like Jesus who kept your commandments in every respect. Let our thoughts and deeds be directed by your Spirit of truth, who lives in our hearts. Use these gifts and offerings to advance our church's ministries, so that our neighbors will experience your loving care. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. (John 14:15-21)
Newsletter Nugget
The General Board of Global Ministries carries out the work of connecting the church in mission through a variety of activities.
Global Ministries seeks to carry out work that will help us make progress in four focus areas: leading us toward the development of principled Christian leaders, helping create new places for new people and renewing existing congregations, engaging in ministry with the poor and stamping out killer diseases of poverty by improving global health.
Global Ministries continues its work of keeping The United Methodist Church mission-minded while also equipping people to lead and serve through our apportionments to the World Service Fund. It is because of our generous gifts that more children are drinking clean water in Africa, children in Nicaragua are receiving dental care, and new congregations are being developed to reach those who may never before have encountered the love of Christ. Our gifts allow this important mission work to continue.