June 5 – World Service Fund

A Moment for Mission

"The Lord sets the prisoners free; the Lord opens the eyes of the blind. The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down: the Lord loves the righteous." – Psalm 146:8

Connecting the church in mission is the role of the General Board of Global Ministries, United Methodism's worldwide mission agency. The board equips and transforms people and places for God's mission around the world. As part of Global Ministries, the United Methodist Committee on Relief alleviates human suffering around the world.

Global Ministries' four mission goals are to make disciples of Jesus Christ; strengthen, develop and renew Christian congregations and communities; alleviate human suffering; and seek justice, freedom and peace.

This United Methodist agency has mission partners in more than 125 countries, doing diverse work to achieve these four goals. They are pastors, educators, leadership developers, agriculturists and medical personnel. 

Missionaries go from everywhere to everywhere. Some serve as national missionaries in ministry in their home countries. Some focus on global health to strengthen communities and alleviate suffering. Whether it is reducing maternal morbidity or educating communities on how to obtain clean water, global health workers remain vitally important for the well-being of families and children around the world.  

Missionaries also make disciples of Jesus Christ as they strive toward a goal of planting 600 new congregations in places like Cameroon, Honduras, Laos, Mongolia and Thailand. Global Ministries also supports existing congregations around the world by proving training, resources and programming. 

Our apportioned giving to the World Service Fund helps this United Methodist agency continue the work of Jesus Christ. 

Offertory Prayer

O God, thank you for your profound love. Open our eyes to see those whom you love – those who are blind, bowed down and imprisoned by poverty or hopelessness so that we may respond to them in love as your hands and feet in the world. Amen.

From Discipleship Ministries: Third Sunday After PentecostAs we consider our circumstances, send your Spirit to help us recognize all that you freely give. Let gratitude overflow in our hearts, so that we will joyfully share with others. May these tithes and offerings bring life and health to adults and children who are hungry in our community and around the world. We pray in Jesus' name. Amen. (1 Kings 17:8-24)

Newsletter Nugget

United Methodism's General Board of Global Mission spans the world as it seeks to make disciples for Jesus Christ; strengthen, develop and renew congregations and communities; alleviate human suffering; and seek justice, freedom and peace.

The agency has missionaries in more than 60 countries. These missionaries work in partnership with local congregations as well as with United Methodist agencies, including the United Methodist Committee on Relief, which is under the umbrella of the General Board of Global Ministries. 

More than 100 young adults engage in mission work around the world as Global Mission Fellows. Young people, ages 20-30, with a bachelor's degree or the equivalent volunteers two years to serve in the United States and other countries. These young adults work directly in communities that struggle with systemic injustice, human suffering, illiteracy, at-risk children, substance abuse, domestic violence and inadequate health care. 

We support this important work globally through our apportioned giving to the World Service Fund, the financial lifeline to Christian mission and ministry throughout the denomination. Thank you!

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