Moment for Mission
"For it is the God who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." – 2 Corinthians 4:6, NRSV
In 2018, we celebrate our 50th year as The United Methodist Church. Fifty years ago, the Methodist Church and the Evangelical United Brethren Church merged, unifying the two denominations as well as dissolving the segregated Methodist central jurisdiction.
This union brought together a people of God committed to living into the Wesleyan way of pursuing holiness of heart of life. This Wesleyan call to holiness includes an inward movement of searching the Scripture and searching our hearts as well as an outward movement of ministry into the world. As The United Methodist Church, we have had half a century of extending our reach together as we live out our call of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
The reach of The United Methodist Church is global; we have more than 300 missionaries in 60-plus countries. The United Methodist Church is joining God's mission for the world as we alleviate hunger and suffering, advance hope and respond to civil and natural disasters. We join in God's mission around the world because of the work of Global Ministries.
The General Board of Global Ministries equips and sends missionaries and volunteers to make disciples; strengthen, renew and develop congregations; advance hope and healing, and seek justice. Together, we nurture global ministries by supporting our World Service Fund apportionments.
Offertory Prayer
God of love and light, remind us of the ways you have love and provide for us, your church. Grant us courage and generosity that we might do as we are called to do and shine the light of your love into the dark places in our world by our words, our gifts and our actions. Amen.
From Discipleship Ministries: Second Sunday after Pentecost/in Kingdomtide – Holy God, you call us by name and invite us into the life of faithfulness and obedience. When we don't hear your voice or let other voices drown out your call, you still persist. As we offer our gifts this morning, may we bring not only our wealth but our whole lives to your altar, ready to listen to where you would send us, for the sake of your Kingdom and Christ's coming. Amen.(1Samuel 3:1-20)
Newsletter Nugget
The United Methodist Church is in mission around God's beautiful world. The agency that makes this work possible is the General Board of Global Ministries. The mission of Global Ministries includes making disciples of Jesus Christ; strengthening, developing and renewing congregations; alleviating human suffering; advancing hope and healing, and seeking justice, freedom and peace.
We understand that mission work is "from everywhere to everywhere." Those who are sent out in mission see that God is at work in all the world. Our task is to join God in those places.
Mission work involves a wide range of activities, from evangelism and discipleship to responding to natural disaster, hunger or illness. Whether it is in planting new churches or sending medical personnel, we join in God's mission of teaching, preaching and healing in the world.
Our gifts to the World Service Fund apportionment allow the church to shine God's light everywhere. Please give generously.