A Moment for Mission
“And whoever gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones in the name of a disciple—truly I tell you, none of these will lose their reward.” —Matthew 10:42, NRSV
The Advance is an accountable, voluntary giving platform that supports the worldwide mission of The United Methodist Church through the General Board of Global Ministries and the United Methodist Committee on Relief.
You can join The Advance in making a difference in the lives of people across the globe by learning about physical and spiritual needs, praying for God’s peace and love to be present, serving neighbors near and far, sharing information and encouraging others to respond and giving generously to support vital ministry work.
More than 300 Advance missionaries and 600 projects transform the world through work in food and agriculture, disaster response and recovery, education, health, economic empowerment, social justice, water and sanitation, women and children, missionaries, migration, and evangelism and church growth.
Relationships are at the core of all Advance projects, ensuring accountability and sustainability that will make the work of today the hope of tomorrow. These life-changing partnerships and connections allow you to serve in the ways you are called to serve, in communities all over the world.
Inspire others to respond and play an active role in transforming the world through the long-lasting work achieved by Advance projects and missionaries. Stories, mission kits of fundraising ideas and tools, and many other resources are available at UMCmission.org/Advance.
100% of your gift will go directly to the designated Advance project.
—“You Make the Difference,” Advance 2020 catalog overview. Used by permission.
Offertory Prayer
Loving God, we pray for our world, for the hurting, for people who need hope and access to necessities. Open our eyes and ears to see how we can answer your call to be in mission. Amen.
From Discipleship Ministries: Fourth Sunday after Pentecost — Gracious God, your hospitality has surrounded us and welcomed us, even when we only grudgingly extended hospitality to sisters and brothers who are also your children. May we grow each day in our willingness to be welcoming disciples, not just to those who look like us, talk like us, or think like us. May our offering this morning be received not just in gratitude for your hospitality, but as our way to extend comfort and welcome to those for whom your love is a mystery. We pray in Christ’s holy name. Amen. (Matthew 10:40-42)
Newsletter Nugget
Since The Advance was founded in 1948, more than $1.6 billion has been contributed to missionaries and mission projects. With hundreds of giving opportunities from which to choose, each donor can support ministry initiatives that align with his or her passion and calling.
Traveling to Senegal, in the mid-1990s, I witnessed firsthand the miracle of The Advance. Our United Methodist Communications video crew visited a small village where, 10 years earlier, people had gone hungry because of extreme drought.
Since then, UMCOR had planted dozens of fast-growing, drought-resistant moringa trees, and the water table had changed. A long line of trees towered over the now-verdant village. Crops and livestock flourished, adults went happily about their daily tasks and children laughed and played.
As we entered the village, the chief welcomed us. He expressed gratitude and joy that because of generous gifts to The Advance, people in his little village had big hopes for the future. Thank you!
— Barbara Dunlap-Berg, freelance writer and editor, retired from UMCom