July 2 – World Service Fund (focus on General Board of Higher Education and Ministry)

Moment for Mission

But thanks be to God that you, having once been slaves of sin, have become obedient from the heart to the form of teaching to which you were entrusted.— Romans 6:17, NRSV

It has been said that higher education leads to higher incomes. While that is often true, education makes an even deeper impact. Education informs thinking and influences actions. These actions demonstrate character and communicate (even without words) what a person believes.

The benefits of post-secondary education go beyond individual students. Higher education benefits our society as a whole. According to the College Board, higher college graduation rates mean lower incarceration rates, increases in civic involvement, including volunteering and blood donations, and a higher level of general well-being for families.

One of the ways that United Methodist students and seminarians are supported in their pursuit of higher education is through the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. The agency's mission is to increase access to education. That is carried out by training church clergy and lay people and assisting young people in discerning their vocation.

GBHEM is making an impact on society by forming lay people and clergy whose education will lead them to walk with confidence in the way of Christ in their family life, in the life of their church, and among their neighbors in the communities where they live.

As The United Methodist Church, we support the impact of Christ followers putting their education into practice through our apportionments paid to the World Service Fund.   

Offertory Prayer
Gracious God, we thank you for the gift of our minds and opportunities to pursue knowledge. Grant us a spirit of generosity that we may share what we know and what we have so that others may have those same opportunities and we may make an even greater impact in the world. Amen.  

From Disciple Ministries: Fourth Sunday After Pentecost – Faithful God, we worship you with grateful hearts, for you have brought us from death to life! We are awed that you gave your beloved Son Jesus for our salvation. He is the lamb you provided, the perfect offering to take away the sins of the world. Help us to share your kindness every day. By your Spirit, may our church's ministries bring hope and new life to our neighbors. We dedicate these tithes and offerings in Jesus' name. Amen. (Genesis 22; Romans 6)

Newsletter Nugget
Churches and denominations across the country are losing young adults. Some say that as many as 70 percent of young adults leave the church between the ages of 17 and 19. Whether their exit is permanent or a temporary break, the impact is visible.

One of the ways The United Methodist Church is addressing keeping young people active in communities of faith is through the work of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.

GBHEM holds two national biennial events, Explore and Imagine What's Next, that target young adults and focus on assisting young people with discerning their vocation. The United Methodist agency also has taken on the Young Clergy Initiative. The initiative encourages and supports young clergy as they enter ministry settings. In turn, having young clergy in ministry settings creates a space that is welcoming and inviting to young people within faith communities.

When we give generously toward our World Service Fund apportionments, we continue to support the important work of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. 

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