Jan. 28 - Africa University Fund

Moment for Mission

"I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their own people; I will put my words in the mouth of the prophet, who shall speak to them everything that I have command." – Deuteronomy 18: 18, NRSV

Africa is a continent rich with natural resources such as gold, oil and diamonds. However, Africa is also home to 75 percent of the poorest countries in the world. 

The echoes of colonialism continue to keep the people of Africa facing exploitation and oppression. Many of Africa's natural resources are being exported around the world for profit, while the local communities face no significant positive economic effects. Local and global corruption and unethical practices keep the benefits of these rich resources from reaching the majority of the people, leading to continued poverty, lack of access to clean water and growing health concerns.  

This reality makes the ministry and work of Africa University as relevant and vitally important as ever.  Through our apportionment, The Africa University Fund, the United Methodist Church supports Africa University and the work of equipping leaders from across the continent of Africa. 

The men and women who attend Africa University are able to study agriculture and natural resources, education, health and social sciences, management, administration and theology.  Students who have had the opportunity to attend Africa University are able to use this knowledge to directly affect their communities and continent. Their education equips and empowers them into leading their communities toward sustainable agriculture, disease prevention and ethical leadership and governance.

Our generous gifts allow the work of Africa University to continue transforming the world one student at a time.  

Offertory Prayer
Giver of all Good Gifts, plant within us a seed of generosity as we consider other parts of the world today and see the opportunities we have to be a part of making a global impact, one student at a time, transforming the world, shaped by your purposes. Amen.   

From Discipleship Ministries: Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany - O God, whose Word endures forever, your voice causes astounding things to happen. We can only revere you when we experience your benevolent power. Thank you for raising up faithful messengers and sending your Son Jesus to draw us close to you. Give us the ability to listen and obey you. Direct our efforts to fulfill your will in our lives and as part of this congregation. May our offerings, gifts, and service bring joy to people here in our neighborhood and around the world. We pray through the Word incarnate, Christ, our Lord. Amen. (Deuteronomy 18:15-20)

Newsletter Nugget
Education was something that John Wesley was devoted to throughout his lifetime. Not only did he read and study Scripture and theology, he also was very well read in science and medicine.

Wesley, a lifelong learner, also started schools and sought to provide opportunities for education to those in the Methodist movement. This commitment to education is still present in the Methodist movement today. This includes the commitment of The United Methodist Church  to Africa University

Africa University was founded in1988 after a unanimous vote by the United Methodist General Conference. Students from across the continent of Africa are able to attend the university in Zimbabwe. Those students not only expand their opportunities, but also are being equipped to expand the potential of their entire community.

Students at Africa University are being equipped to be leaders and teachers in ways that can transform their communities across the continent. This legacy and mission is made possible by our continued faithful gifts to the Africa University Fund

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