Human Relations Day Sunday

Image of wheat blowing in a field for the Human Relations Day overview page
Image of wheat blowing in a field for the Human Relations Day overview page

Celebrate Human Relations Day Sunday on a date that is convenient for your congregation.

Official date: January 17, 2021


Click here for HRD Resources


Mission Moments and More: Emma Wooten (1:05 sec)

We are all family. When we walk past our neighbor who is hiding in plain sight, we limit the gifts and graces that our sisters and brothers in Christ bring to the table. We limit the experiences, the voices and the beloved community that take place through mutual sharing of gifts. With a special offering celebrating Human Relations Day, we join with United Methodists around the world, remembering that the size of the table of divine love is unlimited.

Across the United Methodist connection we come together to help bridge the gap between church and community by participating in an offering set aside for Human Relations Day. For more than half a century, United Methodists have observed this churchwide special Sunday in recognition of the message Jesus demonstrated during his life: all of God’s children are important.

One of the wonderful aspects of The United Methodist Church is that we can do so much more together than we ever could do on our own. On Human Relations Day, we join other UMC congregations in a special offering to support neighborhood ministries through Community Developers, community advocacy through United Methodist Voluntary Services and work with at-risk youth through the Youth Offender Rehabilitation Programs.

In recognizing Human Relations Day, we are called to make an impact in communities where people struggle because they don’t have the tools or resources to reach their God-given potential.  Our gifts are part of building beloved community through faith-based volunteer programs, community developers and programs that work with at-risk teens.

Give today!

Read stories about the impact you are making with your gifts.

Did you know we had resources to celebrate Human Relations Day?
Click here for everything you need to inspire and empower your congregation to give generously.

Need more information about Human Relations Day?
Click here to find out about our rich and long history of generosity. Our hope is to inspire you to learn more about the work we accomplish together through the ministry we call connectional giving.

To give by mail:

Send checks to: GCFA
P.O. Box 340029
Nashville, TN 37203

Please put name of Sunday in note section.

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