Planned giving
by Tom Farley*
John and Hatsumi Moss served as missionaries with Global Ministries in Japan for many years in the Niigata region. They helped the Japanese pastors and parishioners in 22 churches of that district. They served the church in many ways—preaching and lectures, evangelism through film, work among women and youth—and as members of a team to establish a retreat center, high school, and eventually a college. Hatsumi worked with the YWCA of Japan and the regional adult education project for 38 years.
“We have been retired in Massachusetts for more than 20 years now,” John wrote in a letter. “In retirement, we’ve been upheld by Global Ministries’ pension and generous health plan. Of course, there is no way to fully repay Global Ministries’ longstanding support of us, but we want to do something to show our deep appreciation, so we decided to include Global Ministries and UMCOR in our estate plan. However, gratitude for our support as missionaries is not the only motivation for our gift.
Global Mission Fellows, Leah Wandera, Amanda Chng, and Nina Guzman, meet in Cambodia at the midterm gathering for GMFs, class of 2016-2018. PHOTO: JENNIFER SILVER
“We believe that Global Ministries’ overall outreach in mission in the name of Christ is of vital importance in this troubled world. Bringing the wholeness of the gospel—the message of God’s love for each person, promoting the education of the heart as well as the mind, providing relief for the oppressed, standing with survivors of racism, injustice, warfare, poverty, natural and human-caused disasters—this is the vital, ongoing mission of Global Ministries! Let’s treasure this mission, keep it in our prayers, and support it with our gifts—including our future financial planning. There can be no better place to share our resources—large or small.”
Making an impact
Making gifts of assets that have been earned and accumulated over a number of years—or a lifetime—are transformational to the donor in that the accomplishments and blessings of years of work are reflected upon during the gift planning process.
By nature, as we take time to decide what our estate plans should support, we look back on our years of work and the effort we gave and think of the people who have blessed our lives. People give to people and gifts received by Global Ministries are used to reach others with the gospel and to alleviate the suffering that is brought about by poverty or natural and human-made disasters. As such, donors can be assured that their giving will be used to extend the love of Christ to people around the world. Love for others is at the heart of gifts that transform the lives of the recipients of funded ministries and programs.
A group picture of members partaking communion for the first time, Iglesia Metodista Unida en El Negrito de Yoro in Agua de la Roca, Honduras. PHOTO: CYNTHIA MACK
But have you considered what a transformational gift will do for you?
How and what we choose to support can impact the lives of generations around the world, yet, donors often discover they are blessed by how much they, in turn, receive through their acts of service that propel ministry.
Any method you choose to support Global Ministries through its missionaries, projects,and programs revolves around how you are moved to support a person or project, and when it is best for you to make a transformational gift. Your legal or financial advisors will assist you in the best way to make a gift based upon the timing (living or testamentary) and the method (cash or securities, for example) that will allow you to plan your gifts in ways that are beneficial for you and your family and for Global Ministries.
Do you want to make a lasting impact with your giving? We encourage you to consider the gift planning methods profiled below to make a difference in the lives of individuals around the world—and within your life as you confidently support the outreach of Global Ministries.
Farmer Leonard Pierre waters pepper plants on his farm near Cabaret, Haiti. He received training, tools and irrigation equipment from the United Methodist Committee on Relief. PHOTO: MIKE DUBOSE/UMNS
Many ways to change lives
Now may be a good time to review your long-term plans. A gift from your estate could make a statement to your heirs about what is most important to you in changing lives through this ministry. There are a number of ways you can make future gifts to Global Ministries and UMCOR, including the following:
A gift through your will. You can give a specific amount or property, a percentage of your estate, or “what’s left” after providing for your loved ones.
Life insurance proceeds. You can name Global Ministries and UMCOR to receive all or a portion of a life insurance policy that is no longer needed for its original purpose.
Retirement plans. It’s easy to include Global Ministries or UMCOR as a beneficiary of your retirement plan. This is a tax-wise way to make a charitable gift, as amounts remaining in these plans at death will be subject to income taxes and may be subject to estate taxes when left to individuals. If you are age 70½ or older, you can also make current gifts directly from your IRA. This applies to qualifying transfers up to $100,000 from a traditional or Roth IRA. Charitable gifts from IRAs can be used to fulfill pre-existing pledges and the Required Minimum.
Distribution for your charitable gift will avoid taxes on the funds transferred. Your retirement plan administrator should have more information on how to do this.
Savings, checking, or investment accounts. In most states, you can name a charitable organization as the beneficiary of such an account through what is known as either a “transfer or payable on death” (TOD/POD) provision.
Living trust. If you are using a living trust to distribute assets to loved ones, you can also include charitable gifts.
Real estate. Numerous benefits can result from making a gift of the proceeds from the sale of real estate.
Careful planning can help you make charitable gifts that benefit the lives of those in need and without impacting the future security of your loved ones. Check with your advisors for more information on these types of planned giving.
For more information please feel free to contact me. I will be happy to explore ways that your giving may become an extension of your heart.
*Tom Farley is Global Ministries’ Director of Development. Andy Corkill, a planned giving consultant for Global Ministries, also contributed to this story.
Global Ministries and UMCOR’s major gifts and planned giving officers serve all those interested in receiving more information about planned gifts to UMCOR and Global Ministries. We have booklets covering a variety of topics related to gifts and financial planning that are available at no cost to our friends and supporters.
Please contact Tom Farley for more information.
Tom Farley, Director of Development, Mission Engagement
Phone: (404) 832-7782 or email [email protected].
General Board of Global Ministries/UMCOR Planned Giving Office
458 Ponce de Leon Ave., NE
Atlanta, GA 30308
Tax ID #13-5562279 — UMCOR
Tax ID #13-5565089 — Global Ministries
We invite you to learn more about the impact you are making now and in the future by visiting our websites: or