Moment for Mission
"We are putting no obstacle in anyone's way, so that no fault may be found with our ministry." — 2 Corinthians 5:3, NRSV
The Black College Fund is one of our seven apportionments in The United Methodist Church. Funds received go toward continuing the legacy of the 11 United Methodist-related historically black colleges and universities.
That legacy includes making education available to people who were not previously afforded such an opportunity. For some, the color of their skin was an obstacle; for others, it was the cost of post-secondary education.
The cost of attending college continues to rise for all students. The majority of those attending the 11 United Methodist historically black colleges and universities receive scholarships, which means attendance at these schools is a significant opportunity.
While our colleges and universities have been integrated for decades, these historically black colleges continue to be important today. They plant seeds and nurture the educational soil for students of all ethnic backgrounds to have an educational experience that will grow them in ways of becoming community-minded leaders.
These leaders move us forward and pave the way for a future that is better for all of us.
Giving our apportionments toward the Black College Fund helps to ensure that the legacy of these colleges and universities continues. Our gifts are used to equip universities to be strong in their facilities, faculties and academic programs so that students have access to high-quality education.
Offertory Prayer
Creator God, we seek to love you with all our heart, all our soul, all our strength and all our minds, and to love others. May our actions demonstrate this love through generous giving that all of us would have opportunities for education that strengthens our minds and hearts. Amen.
From Discipleship Ministries: First Sunday in Lent - God of heaven and earth and every galaxy, we praise you for your tremendous wisdom and love. You have been patient with us when have been slow to follow your way. Through the obedience of Jesus Christ, you have forgiven us and renewed our life. Give us grace to extend your kindness beyond our family and congregation to strangers in need. We present our offerings and gifts as a sign of our gratitude. We pray through Christ who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God now and forever. Amen. (1 Peter 3:18-20)
Newsletter Nugget
The Black College Fund is one of our seven apportionments. Across the United States, United Methodist churches are committed to supporting 11 United Methodist-related historically black colleges and universities.
Historically black colleges are universities are educational institutions that were created in the wake of the Civil War. They were established for the sole purpose of educating black Americans. This was necessary because other educational institutions were not open to them until the Civil Rights Act passed in 1964, nearly 100 hundred years after slavery had been abolished.
Education was and still is vitally important to progress. Education opens doors to economic independence. It offers students knowledge and understanding of the world God created. Black colleges today offer students of all ethnic backgrounds opportunities for high-quality education. Black colleges are known for developing leaders who make an impact on local communities.
Our support of black colleges is a legacy of removing obstacles that all may live into their full God-given potential.