Connecting with Spiritual Seekers

As a church leader, you know your church should be reaching out to spiritual seekers. But how do you reach out to them? Who are seekers and what do they care about?

A survey of U.S. spiritual “seekers” ages 25-49, conducted by Barna Group on behalf of United Methodist Communications found willingness to visit a United Methodist Church rose to 42 percent in 2019 among U.S. adults seeking more spirituality in their lives and who are aware of the denomination. That's up from 28 percent in 2017. Other findings include:

  • Nearly half of seekers pray daily or weekly.
  • The top motivation for considering attending a Christian church is spiritual development, followed closely by a wish to reconnect with one's Christian roots. Others cited a desire for their children to grow spiritually or learn about God or a need for support during a difficult time.
  • Among those who are open to visiting a church, the top reasons for considering a specific church were feeling they would fit in or hearing good things about it. More than one in three would visit if personally invited by someone.
  • Feeling accepted and welcomed were the top factors that would motivate seekers to continue attending a church they had visited.



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