Church Committees: Nominations and Leadership Development

Photo courtesy of Discipleship Ministries.
Photo courtesy of Discipleship Ministries.

This is part of a series of articles on United Methodist church committees. To learn about other committees click here.

What is the purpose of the committee on nominations and leadership development?

The committee on nominations and leadership development functions kind of like a church’s “committee on committees.” Its primary role is to identify and nominate leaders for key positions within the local church.

This committee monitors vacancies in church leadership and works with the church council to identify qualified candidates to fill those roles. It can also recommend the creation of new leadership positions as needed. According to The Book of Discipline, the committee is responsible for nominating individuals for the following roles:

The committee submits a slate of nominees for leadership to the charge conference, which votes on the recommendations during its annual meeting with the district superintendent.

Who should serve on the committee on nominations and leadership development?

The senior pastor and lay leader automatically serve on this committee. Other members are selected by the committee itself. The senior pastor acts as the committee’s chairperson, while the committee nominates a layperson to serve as vice-chairperson.

The committee may have no more than nine members (excluding the pastor and lay leader) and should include at least one young adult (age 35 or younger). A youth representative may also serve as a member of the committee. All committee members must be professing members of the congregation.

When selecting members, the committee should try to be reflective the diversity of the congregation, including a range of ages, genders and races. It’s important to include individuals who know the congregation well and can recognize and cultivate leadership potential in others. People with experience in administration, teaching, mentoring or consultation can be valuable additions to the committee.

How often does the committee meet, and how long do members serve?

The Book of Discipline does not specify how often the committee should meet, but it should gather several times a year as needed. The committee’s work includes identifying vacancies, evaluating potential candidates and securing their willingness to serve before submitting nominations to the charge conference.

Committee members (excluding the pastor and lay leader) serve three-year terms. The committee nominates its own new members, subject to approval by the charge conference. To maintain continuity, membership should be staggered, with roughly one-third of the committee members rotating off each year. If an unexpected vacancy opens up on the committee before the end of the year, the church council will appoint someone to replace the departing member.

Best Practices for the Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development

  • Begin with prayer: Opening meetings with prayer helps center members and reminds them of their spiritual purpose. Committees gather in Christ’s name, seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Here’s an example prayer to begin a meeting.
  • Work closely with the church council: The church council, as the congregation’s chief programming body, is well-positioned to identify leadership gaps and needs. Occasional joint meetings between the committee and church council can improve coordination and help align leadership development with the church’s ministry goals. Have the nominations and leadership development committee present its slate of nominees to church council ahead of charge conference and give the council the opportunity to advise them.
  • Know the congregation: Committee members should be familiar with the full scope of the church’s ministries. The vice-chairperson should attend at least one meeting of each committee, and members should engage in various church activities—such as volunteering at a soup kitchen, chaperoning youth events or attending midweek fellowship dinners—to better understand the congregation’s overall work.
  • Don’t forget leadership development: The committee’s role extends beyond filling leadership positions—it also involves nurturing and developing future leaders. Offer training opportunities, spiritual assessments and other resources to help church leaders identify and grow their gifts.
  • Consult United Methodist resources: Every quadrennium Cokesbury publishes a series of guideline resources around various local ministry topics. Every member of this committee should have a copy of Guidelines Nominations & Leadership Development. Connect other church leaders with the right guidelines resource to support their ministry.
  • Think theologically: The work of nominations and leadership development is a spiritual responsibility. Members are like the servants in the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30), tasked with multiplying their master’s wealth. The committee’s goal should not only be to fill leadership gaps, but to expand and strengthen the church’s ministry by placing and developing the right leaders.

This content was produced by ResourceUMC on January 29, 2025. Philip J. Brooks is a writer and content developer at United Methodist Communications. Contact him by email.

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