August 26, 2018 – Volunteers in Mission Awareness Sunday (Annual conference determines date.)


"Happy are those who live in your house, ever singing your praise. Happy are those whose strength is in you, in whose heart are the highways to Zion." —Psalm 84:4-5, NRSV

Volunteers in Mission teams are indispensable parts of disaster recovery. How's that for a brilliant opening line? Well, they are. From Maine to North Carolina, from Delaware to Missouri, they come.

Before a team arrives, our construction coordinators assess what is needed to repair a home and see that supplies are on-site when the team arrives. In some weeks, we have six work teams at the same time, meaning the coordinators have three teams each to supervise throughout the 12-county disaster region.

Team sizes range from five to more than 60. Most have team members with solid construction experience along with lesser experienced or nonskilled helpers. They are generous with their time and labor. They are equally generous with good spirit in establishing relationships that are lasting with the survivor families with whom they work.

Some teams are project specific. Some are highly skilled in carpentry and can frame a house. Others have broader skills and can frame, wire, and plumb a new home. One team takes engineering designs for bridges and prebuilds them, bringing parts and heavy equipment needed to assemble them on-site.

Every year, United Methodist congregations celebrate Volunteers in Mission Awareness Sunday, remembering those who serve in short-term missions and the work of UMVIM throughout the world. Often, churches share a special offering to support VIMs.

Volunteers in Mission Awareness Sunday is an opportunity to honor VIMs for sharing time and talents. Thank you!

—Adapted from an article by the Rev. John W. "Jack" Lipphardt, director of disaster response for June 23, 2016, storms and flood disaster, West Virginia Annual Conference

Loving God, we sing your praise. As we reach out to your children at home and far away, show us not only how to serve, but also how to learn from our sisters and brothers. Amen.

From Discipleship ResourcesFourteenth Sunday After Pentecost/in Kingdomtide, Mighty and everlasting God, you willingly equip us with the strength, the insight, and the courage to meet every challenge the world sends our way. Make us bold to live as Christ's disciples, when it seems like foolishness to many. May the gifts we offer to you, the lives we live for you, the witness we make for you, be a testimony to the love that led Christ to the cross, his precious life given for each of us. When we leave this worship service, may our living bear witness to your giving. In Jesus' holy name, we pray.   Amen. (Ephesians 6:10-20)

God calls all Christians "to bring good news to the oppressed [and] to bind up the brokenhearted" (Isaiah 61:1b, NRSV). No matter who you are, the level of your resources, how big or small your church, God calls you to mission.

United Methodist Volunteers in Mission are lay and clergy, young and old, with differing abilities, vocations and stations in life.

We come together in order that all may offer their skills and talents for Christian service at home and abroad. We match people with opportunities so everyone may participate in mission. Mission is not only for those who live in the field full-time.

UMVIM is a resource for you as you seek to fulfill God's call to serve in short-term mission journeys. You'll find many opportunities to serve and a variety of needs, in the United States and internationally.

Volunteers in Mission Awareness Sunday is an opportunity to honor VIMs for sharing time and talents. For more information, visit the Global Ministries website,

Adapted from United Methodist Western Jurisdiction VIM website

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