August 14 – World Service Fund (General Commission on Religion and Race)

A Moment for Mission

“Give justice to the weak and the orphan; maintain the right of the lowly and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.” — Psalm 82:3-4, NRSV

Looking for resources to help your congregation to engage cultural diversity and embrace equity and anti-racism? An online library from the General Commission on Religion and Race is just a click away.

Simply go to Library — R-Squared ( You’ll find worship resources, videos, discussion guides, downloadable materials, tip sheets and Vital Conversations starters on a plethora of topics.

Worship resources, for example, highlight Lent and Women’s History month and offer liturgies for a variety of settings. Videos and discussion guides address such topics as ageism, critical race theory, deconstructing white privilege, how history and racism impact Black communities during COVID-19, human sexuality and the church, ongoing acts of repentance with Indigenous people and racial justice conversations.

Tip sheets focus on anti-racism do’s and don’ts, etiquette and communication with people with disabilities, justice and equity in the era of Zoom, traits of the beloved community, the differences between equity and equality, and 10 honorable ways to learn about another culture.

As top executive of GCORR, the Rev. Giovanni Arroyo is responsible for modeling behavior, both corporate and personal, that follows the scriptural mandate in 1 Corinthians 12:12, NRSV, that reads, “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.”

Supporting the General Commission on Religion and Race through the World Service Fund, United Methodist congregations strive for unity in Christ Jesus.

Children’s Message
Have you ever felt left out? How did it feel?

People may be left out because of their skin color, gender, religion or where they’re from. They may be left out because of their age, who they love and marry or for having a disability.

Being left out, or discriminated against, hurts. Sometimes, laws and beliefs make it tough or impossible for people to get a job, a place to live or help when they are sick. Being discriminated against makes it hard for people to feel safe, go to school or have enough healthy food and water.

Jesus asks Christians to include everyone. This can mean inviting other children to play, helping them when they are hurt and encouraging others to listen to their stories and love them.

The United Methodist Commission on Religion and Race guides our church so that we can be inclusive and loving toward everyone.

Offertory Prayer
Loving God, remind us often to give justice to the weak and the orphan, maintain the right of the lonely and the destitute and rescue the weak and the needy. We love you. Amen.

From Discipleship Ministries: Tenth Sunday after Pentecost Creator God, who brought forth the world as your vineyard, provided every needed resource, and asked only that we bear good fruit: As we give our offerings, remind us again of the fruit you desire -- justice and righteousness are the ones your prophet Isaiah suggests. Forgive us for the times when our offerings have fallen short and when the only fruit you’ve received is our own self-centeredness. Help us bear the fruit that brings you joy. In the name of your son, our teacher and savior, we pray. Amen. (Isaiah 1:1, 10-20)

Newsletter Nugget
In 1968, the General Commission on Religion and Race was established to hold the newly formed United Methodist Church accountable in its commitment to reject the sin of racism in every aspect of church life.

According to the Book of Discipline, GCORR’s role is to challenge, lead and equip the people of The United Methodist Church to become interculturally competent, ensure institutional equity and facilitate vital conversations about religion, race and culture.

More than 50 years later, the commission still strives to challenge and equip The United Methodist Church to dismantle racial discrimination. GCORR champions diversity, equity and inclusion, while developing interculturally competent leaders and encouraging authentic community that welcomes all people.

While racism remains its primary focus, Religion and Race still believes that all forms of oppression are connected. Its perspectives and partnerships reflect a broader context that includes poverty, nationalism, tribal conflicts, gender discrimination, homophobia, disability and generational bias.

United Methodist congregations support GCORR through the World Service Fund. Thank you!

Adapted from General Commission on Religion and Race website. Used by permission.

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