August 12, 2018 – Ministerial Education Fund


"Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children, and live in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us." —Ephesians 5:1-2a, NRSV

Do you think seminary is just for future pastors? Think again! Dr. Lallene J. Rector, president of Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, describes the United Methodist School in Evanston, Illinois, as "a world-class place for those preparing to be pastors, deacons, chaplains, educators, scholars, counselors, musicians and more."

For more than 165 years, G-ETS has provided theological education. "More than 400 students, representing nearly 40 different denominational groups, are enrolled each year," Rector says. "Each year, scores of students also take courses in one of many online or hybrid educational formats."

Garrett-Evangelical offers nine graduate degree programs at the master's and doctoral levels. "We hold to the Wesleyan vision of personal and social transformation," Rector says, "so that in every aspect of life, God's intentions and activity can be made known to the world."

Students and visitors to G-ETS will quickly discover diversity in students and faculty. "If you sit in our classrooms or join us for a meal in the dining hall," Rector continues, "you will be enriched by the conversation with persons from a wide range of cultural, language and theological backgrounds. Amid this remarkable diversity, we almost daily discover new gifts of community expressed in concrete acts of mutual care and shared responsibility."

Thanks to your congregation's support of the Ministerial Education Fund, G-ETS and 12 other United Methodist seminaries educate clergy and lay leaders to guide the church and change the world in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you!

Adapted from "President's Corner," Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary website

Loving God, you call each of us to imitate you and to live in love, as Christ loved us. Thank you for pastors and others who shepherd us in our spiritual journey. Bless their ministry. Amen.

From Discipleship ResourcesTwelfth Sunday after Pentecost/in Kingdomtide, Creator and Architect of the Universe! You, Lord, created the night and the day, the weeks and the months. We convinced ourselves that one day was for worship, when we know in our deepest being that every day and every moment is a celebration in worship of your love. As we offer our gifts this morning, stoke in us a fire to live every one of our days as a testimony to your love. We pray it in Christ's name, who in love died for us. Amen. (Ephesians 4:25-5:2)

Marilyn J. Kasperek says her experience at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio, taught her "how similar ministry is to journalism (my first career) and how much journalists could benefit from a seminary education."

Remembering "the context of those who wrote Scripture, the context of their audience, the context of the theologians we read, our context and the context of those whom we serve" was a huge takeaway for her.
Now a provisional elder working toward full elder status, Kasperek is pastor of the United Methodist Church of the Abundant Harvest in Millville, Knowlesville, New York.

"I tap into every aspect of my seminary education," she adds. "Definitely the worship, preaching, study of theology pieces, but also the cohort—learning to discuss and discern with others who love God but have a worldview that differs from my own."

When your congregation supports the Ministerial Education Fund, you educate leaders who serve The United Methodist Church in many ways. Thank you!

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