A Moment for Mission
“Jesus said to her, “Don’t hold on to me, for I haven’t yet gone up to my Father. Go to my brothers and sisters and tell them, ‘I’m going up to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’” — John 20:18, CEB
Before the sun had even risen, Mary Magdalene made her way to Jesus' tomb. She had followed him in life, and now, even in death, she remained devoted. But when she arrived, the stone was rolled away. The tomb was empty. Her grief deepened—first, she had lost her Lord, and now, she believed his body had been taken.
In her sorrow, Mary didn’t recognize Jesus when he first appeared to her. She mistook him for the gardener. But then, he spoke her name: Mary. At that moment, everything changed. The one she thought was gone forever was standing before her, alive. And then, Jesus gave her a mission—to go and tell the disciples that he had risen.
Mary Magdalene was the first to witness the risen Christ. The first to be sent to proclaim the resurrection. The first preacher of Easter morning. Yet, in the world she lived in, women were not considered reliable witnesses. They were often dismissed, overlooked, and silenced. But Jesus chose Mary anyway. He entrusted her with the greatest news in history, breaking barriers and affirming her voice.
Even today, the voices of women in the Church are sometimes overlooked or undervalued. The General Commission on the Status and Role of Women (GCSRW) works to change that, ensuring that women are fully included in the leadership and mission of The United Methodist Church. Just as Jesus called Mary by name and sent her to share the good news, this commission challenges the Church to recognize, equip, and empower women for the work God calls them to do.
Mary’s story is a reminder that God’s call is not limited by human expectations. When Jesus calls us by name, we are sent to proclaim his love, his justice, and his victory over sin and death. Who in our communities needs to be encouraged and affirmed in their calling? How can we make space for the voices God has called to lead?
Children’s Message
Title: Jesus Knows Your Name!
Materials: A name tag or a small mirror
Good morning, friends! I have a question for you—how do you know when someone is talking to you? (Pause for answers.) That’s right! They say your name!
Did you know that Jesus knows your name? A long time ago, after Jesus died on the cross, one of his friends, Mary Magdalene, went to visit his tomb. But when she got there, the stone was rolled away, and Jesus’ body was gone! She was so sad and started crying.
Then someone came to talk to her, but she didn’t know who it was. She thought it was a gardener. But then, he said her name: "Mary." And guess what? That’s when she realized—it was Jesus! He was alive! Mary was the very first person to see Jesus after he rose from the dead, and Jesus told her to go tell his disciples the good news.
Just like Jesus knew Mary’s name, he knows your name too! He loves you; he sees you, and he has special things for you to do—just like Mary! Jesus has special things for all of us to do every day!
(Hold up a name tag or a mirror.) When you see your name or your reflection, remember: Jesus knows you and loves you! And just like Mary, you can share the good news of Jesus with others. You are very important and you can share the message of Jesus in everything you do and say.
Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank You for knowing my name and loving me. Help me to share Your love with others, just like Mary did. Amen.
Offertory Prayer
Risen Lord, just as You called Mary by name and sent her to proclaim Your victory, You call each of us to share the good news. As we bring our gifts today, may they be used to empower all whom You have called to lead, serve, and share their gifts in Your Church.
We give thanks for the work of the General Commission on the Status and Role of Women, ensuring that all voices—especially those of women and girls—are heard, valued, and uplifted in Your kingdom. Bless these offerings, that they may support a Church where all people are free to answer Your call and use their gifts to glorify You.
Open our hearts to affirm, encourage, and uplift one another, so that together, we may build a Church that truly reflects the fullness of Your love. In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.
From Discipleship Ministries
Radiant God, whose love endures forever, we gather today in the light of resurrection hope, offering these gifts as a response to the abundant grace we have received. In this period of spiritual renewal, may our giving reflect the joy of the empty tomb and the promise of life everlasting. Transform our offerings into acts of love that bring light to the world, just as Christ’s light dawned in our hearts. We dedicate these gifts to your service, trusting that, in your hands, they will bring forth new life. Amen. (Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24, John 20:1-18)
Newsletter Nugget
On Easter morning, Mary Magdalene stood outside the empty tomb, weeping. In her sorrow, she didn’t recognize Jesus—until he spoke her name. "Mary." In that moment, everything changed. Jesus was alive! And he chose Mary to be the first witness to the resurrection, sending her to share the good news.
Mary’s story reminds us that Jesus sees us, knows us, and calls us by name. He invites each of us—no matter who we are—to be part of his mission in the world. Today, the General Commission on the Status and Role of Women (GCSRW) continues the work of ensuring that all people—especially women—have the opportunity to lead and share the gospel, just as Mary did. As we celebrate the resurrection, may we listen for his voice and commit to lifting up every person God calls to share his love.