A Moment for Mission
“Then Jesus said, “Leave her alone. This perfume was to be used in preparation for my burial, and this is how she has used it. You will always have the poor among you, but you won’t always have me.” — John 12: 7 – 8, CEB
Money is always a tense subject, especially in spiritual conversations. The passage in John 12:1–8 presents a perfect example of the tension and awkwardness that often accompany discussions about financial priorities.
As the scene unfolds, Jesus is gathered with his disciples for dinner. Mary, in an act of profound devotion, anoints his feet with costly perfumed oil—worth more than a year’s wages. The fragrance fills the entire house. While many remain silent, the unspoken questions hang in the air: Was this an act of reckless extravagance? Could this money have been used in a better way? Judas voices these concerns outright, calling the act wasteful and insisting the money should have been given to the poor.
Jesus, however, defends Mary’s offering. He acknowledges both perspectives—service to the poor is vital, but so is an act of worship and devotion. He reminds them that they will always have the opportunity to serve those in need, but his time with them is limited. This moment calls for sacrificial love, a love that is not measured by financial efficiency but by the heart behind the giving.
This balance between devotion and responsible stewardship is echoed in the work of the General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA) of The United Methodist Church. Just as Mary gave freely out of love, and just as Jesus affirmed the importance of both faith and service, GCFA upholds financial integrity while enabling the Church’s mission. As the financial and administrative arm of the denomination, GCFA ensures that resources are managed wisely, supporting ministries that serve the poor, strengthen communities, and deepen spiritual devotion. Through your faithful giving to the General Administration Fund, agencies like GCFA can continue to provide essential support for the Church’s mission worldwide.
In our journey of faith, we are called to both worship and serve. As we face moments of sacrifice—whether in Lent, in times of loss, or in acts of generosity—the true cost becomes secondary. What matters is offering our best to God, whether through heartfelt devotion or faithful stewardship. Through the work of GCFA, The United Methodist Church seeks to embody both, ensuring that resources are used effectively in service to God’s mission.
Children’s Message
Title: A Special Gift for Jesus
Materials: A small bottle of perfume or scented oil (optional)
Good morning, friends! Today, I want to tell you a story about a very special gift that someone gave to Jesus. Have you ever given someone a gift before? (Pause for answers.) Maybe you gave a drawing to your parents or shared your toy with a friend. Giving gifts is a way to show love!
A long time ago, Jesus was having dinner with his friends, and a woman named Mary brought a very special gift. It was a bottle of perfume—so special and expensive that it was worth as much as a whole year of work! But Mary didn’t keep it for herself. She poured it on Jesus’ feet to show how much she loved him. The whole house smelled wonderful! (Let children smell the perfume if you have one.)
Some people didn’t understand. They thought Mary was wasting her gift, but Jesus said, “Leave her alone. She did this for me.” Jesus knew that Mary gave her best gift from her heart, and that made it very special.
What can we give to Jesus? (Pause for answers—kindness, love, helping others.) We might not have expensive perfume, but we can give Jesus our love by praying, singing songs, helping others, and being kind. Every time we do something with love, it’s like giving Jesus a special gift!
Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank you for loving us so much! Help us to give you our best by loving others, sharing, and being kind. Amen.
Offertory Prayer
Gracious and Loving God,
Everything we have is a gift from You. Just as Mary poured out her love through her offering, we bring these gifts today as an act of worship and devotion. Bless these offerings, that they may be used wisely to serve those in need, strengthen Your Church, and further Your kingdom. May our giving be a reflection of our love for You, offered with joyful and willing hearts.
In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
From Discipleship Ministries
Loving God, source of all joy, we come before you with hearts full of gratitude. As Mary poured out her love for Jesus with costly perfume, so we pour out our gifts before you, seeking to honor you with all that we have. During this reflective Lenten period, may our offerings remind us of the abundance you’ve poured into our lives. Help us to give extravagantly, not out of duty, but from hearts filled with joy and gratitude. Bless these gifts and use them to bring your hope to the world. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen. (Psalm 126, John 12:1-8)
Newsletter Nugget
In John 12:1–8, Mary gives Jesus an extravagant gift—pouring expensive perfume on his feet as an act of love. Though some questioned her actions, Jesus praised her for giving from her heart. This passage reminds us that true generosity is not just about money but about offering our best to God.
In The United Methodist Church, the General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA) helps ensure that our gifts—our financial resources—are managed wisely to support ministries of worship, service, and outreach. Just as Mary’s offering was an act of devotion, our stewardship enables the Church to continue its mission with integrity and love.
As we reflect on this story, may we consider how we can give our best to God—whether through worship, acts of kindness, or financial faithfulness. How will you share like Mary this week?