WCS Email 3

Dear Church Leader,

Did you know World Communion Sunday supports training, mentoring, and education efforts? Alongside the financial assistance for higher education, World Communion Sunday offerings support training and mentor programs to enhance self-awareness and develop interview skills. Mentor and training programs are through leaders from the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry and other areas in the UMC. Recipients of WCS scholarships are given well-rounded support of their callings!

World Communion Sunday (WCS) is this Sunday—October 6, 2024. Share in the dreams of United Methodist students who aspire to make positive changes in their communities but do not have the means to achieve their aspirations. Use the resources below to inspire your congregation to give generously to the World Communion Sunday offering:

  • Read the WCS Mission Moments and More vignette that explains how your gifts change lives. Share the scripture reading and offertory prayer with your congregation or use the Offering Talk provided in the pastor and leader kit to introduce the offering,
  • Encourage the speaker to emphasize ideas from the Sermon Starter,
  • Print and place the Poster in a prominent place so that congregants will see it,
  • Ask your greeters to give a Bulletin Insert to congregants as they enter the sanctuary,
  • Promote personal participation in the worship service by using the Call to Worship,
  • Encourage your members to pray for our students and the success of World Communion Sunday Scholarship ministries,
  • Post Social Media Graphics on your social media platform to encourage members and visitors to participate in the celebration,
  • Share the offering received and thank the congregation for their generosity,
  • Prepare to send the offering to your annual conference treasurer, and
  • Customize the reminder copy below or use it on your social media platforms to remind church members about this Sunday’s WCS celebration.

The World Communion Sunday offering supports World Communion Scholarships for graduate and undergraduate degrees and grants for worldwide inclusion, diversity, equity and access.

Thank you for leading your congregation to give to World Communion Sunday offering. Our students appreciate your support and generosity.



2024 WCS Email #3

“Email Subject: World Communion Sunday is October 6, 2024

Scripture: “He is the reflection of God’s glory and the exact imprint of God’s very being, and he sustains all things by his powerful word.” —Hebrews 1:3, NRSVUE

Pretext: Change the world through your generosity to the World Communion Sunday offering!

Dear Friends,

Did you know World Communion Sunday supports training, mentoring, and education efforts?

When you give to the World Communion Sunday offering, you are funding a well-rounded education and training for students who may not have the means to access those resources on their own.

Scholarship recipients are transforming lives because you gave to the World Communion Sunday offering. I look forward to seeing you at our World Communion Sunday celebration this Sunday, October 6, 2024. Let us give generously to support scholarships for United Methodist students.

The Lord bless you,

Pastor ______”

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